Michigan man who enjoys video games and anime.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Unfortanetally for everybody the greedy oil mogul is basically right. At least for the near future.

    Just so much of the world runs on oil/fossil fuels that it’s almost comical how reliant on them we are.

    Plastic. Fertilizer. Transportation. Energy. Medicine.

    Even if we can try and do replace it with green alternatives, it is going to take a massive change to get to where we need to be. Let alone for it to be cost effective and productive enough not to destabilize the entire world. We all saw how some reacted to higher gas prices.

    But climate change is wrecking the world as we speak so…dam. Destabilization either way. We took too long and dragged our feet. Ironically cause of the actions of oil’s dark money and propaganda.

    Ugh. It makes my head hurt.