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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Barefoot shoes for life! I have switched entirely to barefoot shoes - or at least, foot-shaped and zero drop, even if the sole is thicker - and my feet have never been happier.

    Some of my favorite brands:

    LEMS - good hiking shoes. Nice wide toe box, decently lightweight, don’t look too goofy.

    Peerko - good all-around. Lots of looks, some casual, some nicer. Definitely avoiding the crunchy outdoor hobo and/or silly clown shoes look.

    Designed by Anya - Anya was a barefoot enthusiast who eventually made her own line, with loafers and boots. Cute and comfy femme barefoot shoes.

    Vivobarefoot - used to be a little on the crunchy outdoor hobo side, but some of their more recent looks have stepped up their game nicely. I really like their loafers.

  • I mean, there’s support and then there’s enabling. Not all things that ND people do are good, either for them or those around them. We as a community don’t act like it’s ok for Autistic people to go around grabbing women’s tits “cause they don’t understand social conventions” (though I’ve absolutely come across this argument before, which infuriated me), why would we act like it’s ok for NPD people to manipulate and emotionally abuse those around them “cause it’s just the way they are”? The goal is to support them in a way that limits harm: both the harm that comes to them from outside, and the harm they can do to others.

  • But the point is, the implication that “it doesn’t happen very often” is wrong. It happens literally all the time, and trying to act like it doesn’t is downplaying the severity of sexism against women. So you questioned why I responded to the initial post the way I did? It’s because they were implying that this doesn’t happen, so I sarcastically said, ‘oh good, I must have imagined it’ to point out how fucking absurd it is for a man to claim this doesn’t happen to women and femme coded people. And in your other comment you flat out said you didn’t think it was an attack on women, which again is wrong. This is a thing that insecure and angry men perpetuate explicitly as an attack against women in what they see as “their spaces”. Again downplaying the inherent sexism in the act.

    My response to you served as your answer for “why I responded that way”: because this shit inundates women every day and we’re constantly told it’s not happening, or at least not at the rate we say it is. And that shit gets fucking old. So how else should I respond to yet another clueless numpty claiming my experiences didn’t happen? Should I coddle him and tell him it’s ok, he’s right and the world is actually roses and daisies and everyone who says otherwise is “larping”? Should I play the patient mommy and lead him along gently hoping he’ll eventually come to the conclusion that he was wrong? Yeah, sorry, after 20+ years most of us don’t have that kind of patience anymore. Ridicule seems to work better anyway because when we’re too kind we just get ignored 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • It absolutely is an attack on “fake fan” women and girls. The men who do this want to be able to act superior and smug. They want to prove that a woman couldn’t really like or understand “Specific Niche (or even not really) Thing That Has Mostly Male Fans” cause women don’t have Superior Logic like men do. Thus, any woman who claims to be a fan of Said Specific Niche Thing is lying to make men think she is “cool”, and oh boy, do they love to catch women in a lie.

    As a lifelong nerd and musician, I have been challenged in this way more times than I can count, and it absofuckinglutely is because I look femme. They didn’t ask the guy friend right next to me what the entire backstory of Halo is, or whether he could name any character besides Master Chief and Cortana, even though we were both wearing Halo swag. They didn’t question why my husband was at a Coheed and Cambria concert, but felt the need to literally breathe down my neck while asking if I really knew the narrative order of the albums. And so on and so on and so on, from the age of 13 when I went to my first fucking rock concert and my first fucking anime con. Literally over 20 years of this shit now, and they Don’t. Do. It. To. Men. They just fucking don’t.

    And in case you can’t tell, it gets really old and really annoying to be told over and over again that this doesn’t happen, that we’re making shit up, that “they’re just trying to be friendly, why can’t you just humor them?” If you got harassed about your hobbies day in and day out for over 20 years, you’d probably get pretty fucking sick of it, too.

  • It is when they vote for people who outwardly say that shit. I don’t care what they claim to believe, I only care what their actions say they believe. I don’t know a single “conservative” who wouldn’t vote for a politician aiming to infringe upon minority rights, and if you’re voting for people who want me to be forced to bear a child I don’t want, or who want my trans sibling to be banned from receiving life-saving medical care, or who want to deregulate the medical industry so that insurance companies and profit-hospital CEOs can line their pockets at the expense of the working class, or who want to give more money to racist cops who harass my black friends? Then you can talk about how you don’t hate trans people all you want but the consequences of your actions say otherwise. You can say abortion doesn’t bother you but I don’t believe you. You can say “well, I have a black friend” but you’re still voting for racists. And I’m sorry, but that makes you a bad person and I won’t be friends with a bad person.

    Maybe in other countries it’s different. But American conservatives only want to “conserve” the status quo of rich white people doing whatever they want and everyone else getting fucked. They can deny it, but until they stop voting for it there’s zero reason to believe them.

  • I mean, I’m sorry, but if they believe that abortion is baby murder, black people are predisposed to being criminals, poor people don’t deserve to have healthcare, and trans kids should have to live in a miserable hell that makes them want to commit suicide, I’m not going to just “not talk about it” and stay friends with them. If your morals are that fucked, I can’t in good conscience call you a friend.