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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023

  • Chewy is amazing. Price is very consistent and customer service is scary good. I once ordered food for my cat while sitting eating dinner. The next morning at 6am I opened my door to go to work and literally tripped over my cats food. I still have no fucking clue how the hell it got to me so quick, it was 12ish hours. When I moved and switched my auto subscription their system flagged my change of address as fraud and emailed me to call customer service. I called at literally 3am (because I’m a freakish night owl) expecting to work my way through an automated system and the phone rang twice and a very cheerful person answered. I almost hung up in shock and then almost was the jerk calling at 3am asking “why are you answering the phone at 3am?”

  • I noticed a few months ago that if I would put things in my cart and not order them right away, the price in my cart would jump a lot without notice, but the price on the page would stay the same. Like, I added something that was $30 to my cart, 2 days later it was $50 in my cart but the store page still showed the price as $30 and there wasnt the usual “an item in your cart changed price” message. I had to delete it from my cart and re-add it to get the price to drop. There was no deal, it wasn’t subscribe and save, nothing. This happened multiple times. I also had prime and couldn’t tell you the last time my shipping took less than 2 weeks, and I live near a city. I’ve since canceled prime and stopped ordering from Amazon unless I can’t find what I need elsewhere. Want to scam me, fuck you.

  • It was very busy and stressful. I think I’ve taken on more than I’m capable of handling and I’m doing a poor job at all of it and I feel inadequate and stressed and like my mental health is balancing precariously. The good news is I should get a break in a few months. I just need to keep juggling these knives until then and hope I don’t hit an artery. Like so much of humanity, I just wish the world would stop spinning for a little bit.

  • When I was an EMT working on the ambulance one of my paramedic partners was this absolute sweetheart of a man. Military vet, looked like a good ole American boy, but actually read studies about how women and minorities are treated differently in healthcare and genuinely recognized and cared that it was a problem and strived to do better. One day we were working and had a paramedic student who was a young guy full of energy and confidence.

    We got called out for a woman in her 20s with a cardiac issue. I don’t remember if she felt like she had an irregular heart rate or if she felt like her heart was racing, but either way, by the time we arrived on scene everything was back to normal. She reported that she’d been having this problem for a few months, had seen cardiologists and the cardiologists told her something was wrong, it was not anxiety, it was cardiac related, but they couldn’t catch it happening so they couldn’t diagnose yet but were still in the process of trying. She had even worn a portable heart monitor and had no episodes. She was frustrated that she just couldn’t catch it in the act because she just wanted to know what was going on, but she had been told if it happened again to go to the hospital for monitoring.

    Our paramedic student sat down with her and began asking her all sweetly oh honey, are you sure you aren’t anxious, you sure you’re not stressed, how is your mental health? You know anxiety can be weird. As I was about to lose my mind my partner stepped in and took control of the call away from the student and reminded him that an actual cardiologist had already diagnosed her with not anxiety so maybe stop being an asshole.

    The most satisfying part was after the call was over. My partner pulled the student aside to give him feedback on how his interaction had been less than cool. As the EMT (Aka low man on the totem) it was most definitely not my place to step in, but as a woman I couldn’t help myself. I cut my partner off and launched into an absolute tirade about how hard it is to be taken seriously by medical professionals as a woman and how I personally have experienced it and how bullshit it was for him to talk down to her in any situation let alone when she’d already said a doctor told her it wasn’t anxiety. I ranted him into the ground and my angel of a paramedic just sat there quietly with a smile on his face and let me go off on him.

  • Can I ask the name of the medication? My doctor thinks I have endo and wants to try a couple meds before considering surgery. She says surgery wont help anything anyway. I’m living in pain levels anywhere from a nothing to a please let me die, and I don’t know what to believe. I’m also broke AF and have marketplace health insurance. My pain levels are so bad that I ruptured an ovarian cyst recently and never knew it, they found it after the fact by accident when they did an ultrasound but my doctor said that would not cause me to spend months in agony.

  • Same. I had a decent job in my late teens early twenties, decent as in it paid really well and I liked the hours even though they were weird and long. I left because it wasn’t the type of job that got me “adult points” and I was sick of being looked down on for what I did (it wasn’t anything NSFW or anything, just more of a teen job type that I excelled at and got myself promoted up the ladder). I told one of my co-workers “I like this place, and it’s paying me good money, but I don’t want to be 30 and still working here.”

    Well fuck me, because it turns out that I’m in my 30s now and that’s still the most money I’ve ever fucking made. My boss from that job actually just texted me the other day and offered me my job back even though it’s been over 8 years and if I hadn’t moved 1,000 miles away I might have considered it because he would have almost doubled what he had been paying me before.

    I’m back doing the college thing trying to better myself and get into the tech sector, and fuck I hope it works out because if not I might just decide to finally opt out of this world. I’ve fucking had enough of trying and trying and busting my ass just to keep having the rules change and the goal posts move.