A loom that learned to weave itself.


  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • It’s pure neuroticism. Ask yourself objectively if there’s any such thing as this kind of “imposter.” That doesn’t exist. You have a job, and you try to do it. You’ll make mistakes and you’ll learn from them. Dwelling on these thoughts and feelings is the real waste of time, the real weakness.

    Some of these fundamental attributes are always going to trip you up. I don’t have a solution. But you obviously have to relax and focus on always improving. Just like anybody else. Dwelling on “imposter syndrome” is just adding a new obstacle.

  • Going to the gym: I absolutely HATE the gym. But after a month of forcing myself to go, my body ached for that exercise. And I consistently kept going because it almost hurts to NOT go.

    Personal projects: I’m editing a novel I wrote, and editing is not as fun as writing the first draft. I’ll procrastinate for days. But when I FORCE myself to just sit down I get totally absorbed, and then it’s fresh on my mind and I actively want to edit the next chapter.

  • Yes your message is clear.

    To answer your original question, I have no idea what it will look like when software writes and reviews itself. It seems obvious that human understanding of a code base will quickly disappear if this is the process, and at a certain point it will go beyond the capacity of human refactoring.

    My first thought is that a code base will eventually become incoherent and irredeemably buggy. But somebody (probably not an AI, at first) will teach ChatGPT to refactor coherently.

    But the concept of coherence here becomes a major philosophical problem, and it’s very difficult to imagine how to make it practical in the long run.

    I think for now the practical necessity is to put extra emphasis on human peer review and refactoring. I personally haven’t used AI to write code yet.

    My dark side would love to see some greedy corporations wrecking their codebase by over-relying on AI to replace their coders. And debugging becomes a nightmare because nobody wrote it and they have to spend more time bug-fixing than they would have spent writing it in the first place.

    Edit: missing word