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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 7th, 2023


  • Side note: please don’t abuse the word “toxic” until it becomes absolutely meaningless. Let’s keep that to a more fitting context, having a

    I was expressing an obviously personal opinion about the language itself, which is objectively a dull, barren wasteland that sucks out your soul while you walk it. That is precisely the reason why it’s so widespread and loved by business entities and managers - there is no excitement, no surprises, just an everlasting monotony of keys clicking produced by a horde of clones wearing button-down shirts while sitting in absolute identical cubicles, creating yet another instance of FactoryProducer. It’s very easy to plan and schedule for, while at the same time being unnecessarily verbose and mildly unproductive (compared to other languages).

    Look, the JVM is fine, just pick another language. There is plenty of work doing Kotlin. But yes, if you’re doing this only for the money, go ahead. I’ve always been unable to separate my job fromy personal life and my other interests, I couldn’t imagine being cursed by Java again.

    If you can sit somewhere for 8 to 10 hours each day, doing something that isn’t fun and separate yourself from it, not going insane, all the power to you. I also get that not everyone has the luxury of picking their favorite toy and making it their job, but I firmly believe there are options that are not Java.

    Now, if you’re one of the rare types that actually enjoys Java, meet me in the closest Denny’s parking lot, I need your cranial measurements.

    Please note: this post contains hyperbole and humor. I don’t hate any of you, I just hate Java

  • My personal recommendation:

    • Pick up Python, it’s easy to learn and highly productive. If you also learn fastAPI, you can benefit from highly validated, declarative models to build REST APIs in the backend, well fast. It will yield quick results, you won’t become demotivated and you can pick up a paid project soon.

    • Pick up Rust. It’s “in” right now and I get requests from marketing people that know nothing about programming, asking if their project could be implemented in Rust

    • Go with memorizing the shell commands first, try to understand git later. Get productive, try to get where you were with e. g. svn or cvs. If you are comfortable, look at something in depth if you have a problem that you can’t solve with the knowledge you have.

    • Fuck Java, seriously.

    • You have commercial interests, so it is probably wise to look into becoming a fullstack dev to maximize the kind of projects you can do. Look into React, vue.js, svelte. React is probably still the most widely used framework, you’ll quickly do a project with vue.js and svelte is a super interesting look into things to come.

  • Similar story, except I’m a bit older. I got diagnosed later in life due to the amount of energy the coping mechanisms you mentioned cost me, and I came to a point in life where I could no longer afford that.

    If you feel you’re at maybe 70% capacity, you can probably go on, even if something in your life will change. If you’re scraping by with the occasional malfunction / mishap, you might want to reconsider getting help.

    Just a thought.

  • scrion@lemmy.worldtoADHD@lemmy.worldCoffee and ADHD
    1 month ago

    No, it’s not. However, you might notice that you develop a dependency faster than others, and to a greater extent. I can’t really drink coffee as it will make me slightly more alert, help with concentration and general energy levels, until after 3 days, the effects have diminished so far that I’m at 14 cups to even remotely stay awake.

    Given that you can’t up your caffeine intake to arbitrarily high levels, what follows is a fast crash and constant exhaustion, while still drinking a shitload of coffee.

    I got diagnosed late in life (in my 50s) and I have stopped consuming caffeine at all due to having access to medication. That resulted in a totally different (read: fixed) sleep cycle and regular energy levels over the course of the day.

    Honestly, fuck caffeine.

  • For me, something similar works - I queue up 6 to 9 hours of podcasts, ideally some that are basically just someone narrating, not a lot of sound effects etc. and stories that don’t grab my attention, or rather, just then right amount, e. g. stories I already know.

    I actually wake up in total silence. When sleeping next to someone else, I wear a flat headband with built-in speakers.

    The podcast Nothing much happens helps me find sleep, but I personally like to listen to Acephale, Knifepoint Horror. I think the cadence people typically read horror at, and the general atmosphere with the occasional synth drone really does it for me.

    I’m really not surprised that apparently, some part of the ADHD brain has to be kept distracted at night to let the other parts relax. Also, to some it might feel paradoxical since medication is typically a stimulant, but ever since getting medicated, my sleep cycle got a lot more regular.

  • Surely not. But also many employees won’t even ask for it, and change will only happen if people care about it.

    So first, raise awareness, and naturally, implement those things at any companies you manage or own.

    I’m not saying quit your job and become homeless if your employer won’t corporate with you on the issue. Everyone should think about how this could potentially affect them and what they can do within the constraints they operate in, though.

    As someone else in this thread said, a separate (VLAN, guest) network for work devices, reasonable access rules etc. can go a long way. Eventually, I would like this to become unacceptable though.

  • I think with a lot of import products you need to be aware that you’ll be doing the QA and will in fact be working on the parts / product to get it to where you need it to be.

    If you have the skills and the tools $280 + $3 for an unfinished pulley plus some time on the lathe or mill can still be worth it. I know this is asking a lot from a customer and maybe this particular example of a printer is not the best, i. e. it would totally be possible to manufacture this part within specs at cost, but I think the general notion still holds true.

  • I know it is somewhat of an accepted practice, and a lot of people lack the means or the knowledge to handle it any other way, but I’d still like to raise awareness that you’re basically inviting a foreign actor into your network.

    The days were people would trust corporations, including their employers, to be generally benevolent and to do the right thing are long over.