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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Something that might be useful long term is trying to train an AI and release weights to identify CSAM that admins can use to check images. The main problem is finding a way to do this without storing those kinds of images or video :/

    My understanding is that right now, the main mechanisms involved use several central databases which use perceptual hashes of known CSAM material. The problem is that this ends up being a whackamole solution, and at least in theory governments could use these databases to censor copyrighted or more general “unapproved” content, though i imagine such a db would lose trust quickly and I’m not aware of this being an issue in practise.

    One potential solution is “opportunistic training” where, when new CSAM material gets identified and submitted to the FBI or these databases by various server admins, a small amount of training is done on the AI weights before the image or video is deleted and only a perceptual hash remains. Furthermore, if a picture is reported as “known CSAM” by these dbs, then you do the same thing with that image before it gets deleted.

    To avoid false positives, you also train the AI on general non-CSAM content.

    Ideally this process would be fully automated so no-one has to look at that shit - over time, ypu’d theoretically get a neural net capable of identifying CSAM reliably with few or no false positives or false negatives .. Admins could also try for some kind of distributed training, where each contributes weight deltas from local training, or each builds up LoRA-style improvement modules and people combine them to reduce bandwidth for modification sharing.

  • I guess it’s a typo for “baby trans”, a sometimes-slightly-derogatory term (but can be neutral too) for people who only recently started transitioning or only recently realised they are trans .

    Some people who’ve been transitioning for longer don’t find the kind of stuff they feel is often posted by “”“baby trans”“” people interesting or enjoyable or relatable. Or they just aren’t into online trans meme cultures, or several other things.

  • I say “I’m autistic” at least 40% specifically to avoid people like you and weird gatekeeping crap, despite having been diagnosed for a long time.

    You will never be “one of the good ones” and trying to force yourself to fit a mould, and shitting on other people who are less amenable/able to going through the entire structure, in a hostile and repressive and cruel society will not make them treat you better or provide accommodations more. <.<

    I’m not getting into all the other issues with shitting on self diagnosis around class and accessibility and discrimination (direct or intersectional, e.g. trying to strip trans rights from autistic trans people, where diagnosis is actually dangerous, and people choose to avoid it if they have the option to do so even if they seriously struggle with negative aspects of being autistic) and hyperpathologisation and accusing people of being FaKErS because they aren’t sufficiently miserable/self-loathing/self-hating or don’t post their negative moments/experiences online. Autistic people are allowed to be happy and express it publically.

    Honestly just sick and tired of seeing this shit in every single space I want to be part of, and pissed off ;p. I hoped this shit died when we collectively told Autism Speaks to fuck off, but apparently that was way too goddamn optimistic.

  • “Normal” is a social construct that hardly anyone probably fits into. Most people have at least some major traits that diverge from the average.

    The reason people dislike the use of “normal” is because it’s usually used with the connotation that being outside of whatever is being described/considered as “normal” is bad, and describing a group as “abnormal” is usually meant as an insult and used to dehumanise.

    I’m not ashamed of being trans regardless of whether it’s “”“normal”" ^.^, and I don’t think being whatever our society deems “”“normal”“” is even desireable - though as I said before, most people are likely outside society’s definition of a “”“normal”“” personl in at least a couple categories.