• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • The boundaries of what is considered ADHD are arbitrary. You don’t have what is generally considered to be ADHD (at least according to your therapist), but that doesn’t really mean anything. Brains are complicated and they don’t always work how naming conventions want them to.

    You are experiencing ADHD symptoms to a point where it is materially impacting your ability to live your life normally. That, at least to me, is a disorder.

    Any method of managing ADHD symptoms will probably help you. Of course without a diagnosis you won’t have access to ADHD medication, although its very possible that wouldn’t be the solution you’re looking for in the first place.

    Here’s an alternative title that’s a little more positive: “I don’t have diagnosed ADHD, science simply hasn’t caught up to my brain yet.”

  • You can say that to any argument regardless of how accurate it is. To prove I have misrepresented your point, you have to show how I did that. Simply saying I did does not add anything of value to this conversation.

    it is possible I misunderstood what you were saying, or you wrote something unintentionally misleading. If this is the case, please elaborate and explain where the misunderstanding occurred. Until then, I’m going to assume your accusation is simply a method of making yourself look correct without actually having to come up with an argument.

  • I think it pretty much has a lot to do with being an atheist, although I guess you consider those the ultimate antisemites as well for seeing the world outside of a fictional religious shell.

    If you think Jews should not be allowed in positions of power, you are an antisemite. I literally could not give less of a shit what you believe in. I’ve been an atheist for most of my life, and I’m not an antisemite.

    The peaceful religion I’m referring to is Judaism, the religion thats entire point is to spread good. Before you point out instances of Jews doing terrible things, I am aware that they are capable of wrongdoing like every other group of people.

    think it’s pretty clear not only what religion I’m referring to, but what branched off sects and eventually separate religions I’m referring to.

    So are you referring to all abrahamic religions? If so, you should have maybe just said that instead of writing almost exclusively about the Israelites. Regardless, I still disagree with everything you said regardless of how many religions you drag into it.

    Not only are you not the only person, you are the norm of this sad trend.

    If all of the normal people think you’re a lunatic, you may want to consider the idea that you simply are a lunatic. But you aren’t mentally capable of comprehending the fact you’re just an asshole, so you say every normal person is just a braindead sheep following a sad trend.

  • Imagine if this sort of attitude didn’t just persist into the “modern” world, but involved offsprings of that very same cult holding power and influence in governments throughout the world. It would be a testament to a cultural unwillingness to overcome its own collective ego and overextended fictional narratives to recognize its flawed conception.

    I would say its a testament to the fact that humanity isn’t so stupid they will opress the followers of a peaceful religion for crimes their ancestors supposedly commited.

    That’s a lot of pseudo-intellectual nonsense to mask your obvious antisemitism. The way you snake around your point and avoid naming the religion you are condemning would almost be impressive were it not so awful.

    I feel like I’m the only person who actually bothered to read that and didn’t just mindlessly upvote it.

  • That’s not really what most of them are theoretically about, but many of their followers treat it as such. I don’t accredit that to religion though, I think some people are simply going to try to opress others regardless of whatever reasoning they use. There are bad people and good people in every population, and blaming the actions of those bad people on their larger group is (usually) to be avoided.

  • There's a good chance when you were younger, you heard classical music in the classroom to try and make you smarter. However, this is a myth - there is no such link between music and intelligence (or that we can measure intelligence for another matter!)

    I've never heard anyone claim classical music makes you smarter. I have heard people say it makes you focus better, which is true to some extent. This was one of the first things my therapist recommended I try after being diagnosed with adhd. I can't imagine it isn't applicable to people without adhd, although probably to varying degrees depending on the person.

    The only thing I take issue with is the specification of classical music. Some people have told me this is because classical music doesn't have words in it, which would distract you instead of help you focus. Not only can classical music have lyrics, but every other genre of music is perfectly capable of not having lyrics. I'm not sure if its even true that the lyrics would distract you in the first place.

    Its pretty clear to me that the only reason people play classical music specifically for this purpose is because it makes them feel smart. You could argue that feeling smart might actually help you get things done, but I dislike the perception of classical music as smart people music in general. It's just a style of music, like every other. There's nothing that makes it superior or more sophisticated, its just what Europeans liked a few centuries ago.

  • I interpreted the “stricter” definition as just being more intense. Like its only used to describe someone who reads constantly, and knows nearly everything about literature. Or someone who is almost obsessively studying math, or chess theory. Or someone who is very interested in numerous “nerdy” things.

    Maybe that’s not what they meant, I’m not sure. You’re right, their wording is kind of ambiguous.