The ones pretending to mess with your TV and controller connections were great, but my personal favorite was Paul Luther walking into the church in Amiens in 1485 and seeing triage tents from WWI, over 400 years in the future.
The ones pretending to mess with your TV and controller connections were great, but my personal favorite was Paul Luther walking into the church in Amiens in 1485 and seeing triage tents from WWI, over 400 years in the future.
WoW auction house.
Might be. I’m Gen X and have no interest in watching someone play a game in a video. I do like watching someone play in person, though, so I can understand the appeal.
I missed that the 8 additional levels are new. I’ll have to check it out sometime!
Kind of a strange thing to make, since Super Mario Bros. Deluxe is already on the GBC. Good if you want to see the whole screen at once, I suppose.
Everything’s on an orb! The whole planet’s an orb! Go, go go!!
“Yes, Padme, sorry, Padme.”
The tradeoff of using a console’s walled garden as opposed to PC: less options, but simpler to use.
I haven’t played it since they were added, so I’m not sure myself. Maybe this will help. If you have an Xbox maybe it’s similar?
I had the same reaction, and looked it up to learn that consoles do indeed have curated mods that can be used. The one I wanted to use the most, expanding the number of party members that can be controlled in battle, is there, so I might just have to do another playthrough…
Why is a toaster the small electrical appliance of choice for that kind of thing? Good voltage/size ratio?
That doesn’t mean it’s not still a skill issue.
Wonkaville is apparently American in the 70s movie, since everyone there has an American accent.
I looked it up and you’re correct - T2 takes place in 1995. Guess that arcade was just too poor to afford more recent games!
I always avoid buying from the cheapskates who only lowered the price by 1 gold.