Quite possibly a luddite.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • The spelling thing bothers me a lot. I don’t want to catch bad habits of writing shitty just because it’s whatever seems trendy at the moment.

    People used to give me shit for not using smileys, so I started adding :) everywhere in text messages. Then people told me I seem passive aggressive because I use :) instead of emojis.

    Joke’s on them. I could never be arsed to use emojis outside of very specific contexts, and now gen Zs are making fun of them for looking like boomers with their dumb emoji use. Apparently I still come across as passive aggressive though.

  • Often people are looking for some sort of validation, even when it’s not obvious.

    If they say “I can’t join you in the bar today, I have too much work to catch up on”, “K.” is not a good answer. Several aspects needs to be addressed, ideally:

    1. That’s too bad
    2. Next time
    3. Commentary on the state of work: Keep your head above water/your boss is such a jerk/we’ll make up for it after your deadline on Thursday/whatever, depending on the situation and your relationship.

    Basically, it’s a way to show that you care about what they’re telling you. It can be a bit exhausting at times.

  • I’m currently experimenting with Seppo for my website, which is… not ready yet. So maybe not the greatest suggestion. But development is happening fast, and I like it for a couple of reasons.

    1. It’s incredibly easy to install. Just upload a file, set permissions, and open it in the browser. I’m somewhat incompetent, so I appreciate that even though deploying WordPress is obviously not very difficult either.
    2. Content is stored in basic XML files, making it easy to access with just basic PHP and an XSLT stylesheet. Basically it easy to incorporate posts into your site however you want it.
    3. It federates with ActivityPub, so people can follow your blog directly and get the content directly into their feeds.
    4. It’s lightweight - very little bullshit.

    Basic functionality such as editing and deleting posts does not work yet, so it’s absolutely not ready for primetime. But it’s a project worth following, especially for those of us with an interest in the social web.

    Edit: I guess this would be more if you wanted to create a basic website yourself, and add a tool for content management to it. I read the post a bit too quickly - if you’re not interested in writing some code there are much better options to go for out there. Seppo I think is nice for those who actively want to tinker a bit. :)

  • I figured there are interesting people out there who don’t really blog often, but who might post something online a few times ever year and whom I’d like to stay updated on. So I started trying to collect some of these relatively inactive personal feeds.

    It’s not ass noisy as following blogs or social media, which is what I like about it. The only drawback is of course that so few people maintain an RSS feed.

  • Well, in theory social media platforms could be good. The idea is solid - you follow trustworthy people, they post valuable information, you see it.

    I think for example journa.host is an interesting experiment in making social media actually valuable - everyone there is a confirmed journalist of some sort.

    Of course, it can never be perfect. But it allows for greater variety of content: I often find myself reading just two or three newspapers regularly, and in the end social media posts are useful supplement that gives me stories I might not otherwise see elsewhere. That said, I have a pretty strictly curated Mastodon feed.

  • While Gecko should absolutely be made available for iPhone, it’s worth noting there’s nothing wrong with WebKit per se. It’s open source (forked from KHTML), servers as the base for among others the GNOME Web browser, and is not a monopoly player (outside of iPhones).

    In some messed up way, Apple’s WebKit insistance has helped competition in the browser market by making sure there’s at least one popular platform where Blink is not dominating…


    Really though, there’s a difference between “not wanting people to know about it” and “not wanting it to randomly trend on Reddit and get a bunch of attention from hundreds of people for no good reason”. Then again, I have no idea if that would be a realistic outcome with the Reddit Linux Warcraft III community. Better safe than sorry I guess. :)