• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Mine is like 50% vids from people I mildly dislike and 50% Vtubers. I think there is really just not very much good short content.

    Edit: To clarify, I’m not anti-Vtuber, I’m just not convinced that a 30 second clip from a livestream counts as good short content. The only high quality shorts channels I’m aware of are Tom Bates (who produces Nigel and Marmalade, a series about a tiny wizard and his dog-horse best friend) and Natural Habitat Shorts (funny animations about anthro animals, based on real animal facts).

  • I mean that sounds nice, but honestly I don’t “progress” nearly as much as I “faff about” so stuff like XP lets me have the illusion of progress while I spend 30 hours roaming around the starting area looking for collectibles. I’m not sure what a real-time effect on that would look like.

  • Sorry, yeah, it is intended that all levels are beatable. To upload a level you must prove that it is beatable by clearing it from the beginning without dying, and then clearing it again from each checkpoint (if there are any) to prove that it can also be cleared from any checkpoints.

    Hacked levels have existed that cannot be cleared, but they can be reported and Nintendo takes them down. They should all be taken down by now, but in any case if it’s obviously impossible (the goal is completely blocked by impenetrable walls) Team 0% marks them as hacked on their spreadsheet in addition to reporting them, so they wouldn’t count.

    In this game you can download levels and see the full level in the editor, so it isn’t possible to make a level that is “practically” unclearable using hidden information. Any things like hidden keys, “passcode” sections (where you need to hit blocks a certain number of times in order to manipulate things hidden off screen), etc. are trivially defeated by viewing the level in the editor.

  • I don’t think DD1 and BG3 have very much in common, honestly. DD1 was not a game where you engaged in immersive dialogue or developed interesting relationships (well, there was a relationship mechanic, but if you didn’t know how it worked, it didn’t feel like you had a lot of input.)

    It was more a game about walking around surprisingly atmospheric environments and then fighting for your life against surprisingly difficult encounters. (It also had the reverse-difficulty-curve problem, where the beginning of the game was very hard and the enemies felt very tanky because of how damage was calculated, and then once you had some reasonable gear and stats the game got much easier.)

    I would definitely watch someone else play an hour or two of DD2 when it comes out before you decide to buy it, especially if the action combat was what you didn’t like about Dark Souls.

  • It’s quite good. If you’re looking specifically for aliens, you’ll enjoy the second trilogy (Brightness Reef, Heaven’s Reach, Infinity’s Shore) which is set on a planet where members of various species are attempting to live together outside the structure of galactic society.

    I like Sundiver even though it isn’t very much like the rest of the series. I’d say check it out, and if it doesn’t grab you just move on to Startide Rising. Skipping straight to Brightness Reef will also work.

  • But they haven’t found the facial database and Invenda claims they don’t have one, right? Their story is that the machine takes an image, runs some local processing to determine demographic info about the user/customer/target/victim, and then stores that instead of storing the image or biometrics.

    There’s a good chance they’re lying but claiming the database has been “revealed” when no one has found it yet seems like sensationalism.

    Edit: “Secret demographic database derived from facial recognition” would be true but sounds less snappy, I guess?