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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • I don’t know about videos but having a look at the OSI model is a good way to start. It covers the abstract framework for packetizing data including things like the distinction between hardware and software, envelope, encryption, application layer stuff, the whole shebang. The cool thing is by going hardware, network, application you can see where responsibility are and it helps you understand where things can go wrong.

    If you are interested there are plenty of CCNA style courses available on the internet, licit and otherwise, and they go into more depth, and the same applies to RHCE/RHCSA material. The training for certifications like that covers what you want to know but also puts it in context, and again licit and otherwise sources are available.

  • If someone does not treat you with respect you are not their friend, you are their pet.

    It is no reflection on you at all, this is purely on them, but if they don’t respect you they are not treating you as an equal as they should be.

    You deserve better.

    A healthy relationship can include a difference of experience, knowledge, even power, but not respect. Respect is the bedrock of a good relationship and if you don’t have that you may need to look elsewhere. If you were not modelled self respect or taught it you would benefit from learning about it.

    That all said, she sounds like she may just be compensating in some way, putting you down to elevate herself, but seriously you don’t have to take that. She could potentially change and stop this behaviour but she may persist and you may have no option but to get into a new friend ggroup and leave this one.

  • I used heavy trance when I had trouble when I was younger. I used night sounds like rain and thunder for a couple of years. Now my partner watches Minecraft videos while heading off to sleep and I cuddle them and fall asleep with them.

    That said, other tools are exercise, less caffeine, Ritalin (so I am not overtired and stressed), less sugar, and better heat management.

  • So in my experience methylphenidate and dexamphetamine are the two most common. I tried dex and it was not useful, it made small differences but also made me jumpy, but methylphenidate is my personal ambrosia. Maybe consider also the dose, for methylphenidate which is my ideal drug the lowest dose was not very useful, the highest dose was pure Satan, but the dose I have is absolutely perfect, giving me support without side effects most of the time.

  • ADHD and ASD are commonly comorbid diagnoses. If you have an ASD diagnosis you are more likely than the average person to also have ADHD, and visa versa.

    A good way to see it is ADHD, ASD, and a few other things are on a spectrum together. Various factors drive which features present at a given level and particular patterns are groups together because the are common, but your specific configuration is different to mine. Mine is ADHD with ASD as a more minor but definitely present thing, but my partner is the inverse, much more ASD than ADHD but definitely both.

  • Chicken wings in an air fryer take about 20 minutes all up. If you cook them for two meals a day you can clean it every second day no worries, third if you have a bad day.

    You don’t actually have to have complex meals with sides and so on. Beef mince fried as patties or a scramble on a low heat will give you a reasonable meal with a pan, implement, and bowl. Chicken thighs cook well with just a little fat in the pan and a high heat at the start dropping to a medium. Eggs covered with water in a pot, bring to boil, take off heat, wait 17 minutes, perfect hard boiled eggs every time.

    Outsource and obscelete yourself. Do you have to do your taxes? Maybe someone else can do that and you can pay them and use the energy you saved to work more hours, ending up net positive. Obviously not always applicable, but my washer and dryer mean I don’t spend multiple hours a week hanging and forgetting and rewashing washing, I just wash and then into the heat pump dryer and it is done.

  • A handy thing for this situation is a second hand machine. It is a whole lot cheaper, still very much an upgrade, but reselling for a reasonable price is possible.

    The option I would actually recommend is to reinstall your OS. A fresh install if Windows or Linux is like a new computer in many ways. Add a few changes, like maybe changing theme and trying new software, can also make it better.

    If you wanted to satisfy that ADHD itch with Linux I would recommend trying something like ElementaryOS if you come from Mac world or EndeavourOS with KDE if you are from Windows world. Great operating systems with sane defaults and an easy install but well put together appearance and utility.

    Also, if you know where you are going maybe consider researching local options from there? Like calculate the postage, find the local stores, look for local second hand computer stores, etc.

  • My understanding is you make fewer but more replicable mistakes. If you use a wire you have to trace it, keep the length consistent for timing reasons, use very consistent soldering technique, and ultimately you have a hard time tracing issues. With a homemade PCB you generally do get what you ask for in terms of circuitry. Traces are the right length, right thickness, right spacing, and if not then the whole board is similarly impacted, so it is obviously broken or not broken. If you mess up your design then you have a problem, but if you did the process right and you have a valid design then it works.

    That all said, homemade PCB is a large time sink and modern PCB manufacture is so cheap and fast it doesn’t make sense to do at home for the most part. You can literally get a complex board faster by ordering it from halfway around the world and having it posted than making it yourself. I would say it is a good learning exercise, not a good manufacturing or prototyping practice.

  • So I may not be representative of your use case, but I got the steel cap boots for work. I have had bunions before which are caused by pressing in on the side of the big toe, forcing the joint at the side of the ball of the foot to get messed up. When I switched it was a little painful as the toe straightened over time, but it was already sore using other barefoot shoes (Joto soft shoes), so I don’t think it was the shoes making the pain.

    As for weight, for steel caps absolutely not. The rubber on the bottom is less dense and heavy than other boots so they move more freely and weight less. They are also quite soft for all the top parts so it really is up to you how you tie them and how that applies pressure to your foot. Make them tight and it will feel tight, rerun the laces and you can change where it is tight. I tried using elasticated lace replacements for a while on the lower two pairs of holes and it was good, I ended up using the laces to make it more stable but for normal day comfort I would recommend using elastic lace replacements, much less pressure and no tying of laces.

  • Have a look at this link


    It has steps for enabling 32 bit support, around step 2 enables and step 3 installs wine again after. You need to go through the wine install again after enabling 32 bit support (i386). If you don’t get all the packages with :i386 at the end remove wine and then install again.

    With the upload, if it isn’t bittorrent it may be corrupted without being checked. Maybe look for an md5sum and confirm you have the file as expected. If the md5sum checks out you are sorted, if not you will at least know. That said it is as you say very unlikely to be the file, much more likely the libraries. Let me know how you go.

  • OK, so a few possible starting points. It looks like you are running a 32 bit programming but may not have all the 32 bit libraries installed. This may be referred to as multilib or similar, but you need the 32 bit versions to run 32 bit software properly.

    Second, if the above doesn’t solve it you may be having the same issue I had with Arcanum. I had taken a rip many years back and it had been corrupted so it would segfault like yours is. The solution was to find an alternate image of the disk which was clean and using that.

    Good luck

  • Root your phone and you can manage which APN is used by tethering. If you can’t do this consider trying a connecting to a VPN before enabling tethering, the connection will on some devices remain active on the normal APN because changing would disconnect the VPN and keeping connected is higher priority than updating the APN. Also USB tethering and WIFI tethering may behave differently.

    In the end this is a good argument for better regulation. When you buy a car they don’t get to extract more money from you because you drive out of state or use it for business. The fact that telecommunications companies have so much power and access to basically monitor what you are doing and bill accordingly is insane. You should pay for a service with a simple and clear contract and all this crap should be made illegal.

  • Working for a VoIP company in the early 2010s I rm -rf’d the /bin/ directory. As root. On a production server. On site.

    I ended up booting from my phone (android app for iso booting) then manually coppied over the files from another machine. Chrooted and some stuff was broken but rebuilding from the package manager reinstalled everything that was missing. Got the system back up in around 40 mins after that colossal screw up. Good fun and a great learning experience. Honestly, my manager should not have had me doing anything on a root shell with no training.

  • Nah, it was honestly a really cool experience. It was scary at times, yeah, but I absolutely love medical sciences and it was a fascinating experience. I had world class healthcare with experts and overall fantastic facilities and now I have made a really good recovery. Most people with two collapsed lungs and a sternotomy (I think that is the correct term for open heart surgery) have long term damage, but I work an intense physical job and feel better than I did for at least a few months, maybe a couple of years, before it all happened. Now I have to take some extra meds on an ongoing basis but as a bonus I sound like a cartoon bomb about to go off. Also my partner can hear my heart ticking from the other room, so that’s pretty cool.

  • I can’t say for lisdexamphetamine itself, but with plain old methylphenidate (ritalin) I found everything was really quite quick to adapt. I take Concerta 18+27mg in the morning and Ritalin 20mg on afternoons when I need it, so a total of 65mg in a day. When I started I had no real side effects but I did have a whole bunch of trauma based issues because here, finally, was the cause of many of my problems and my parents had lied to me about my diagnosis for 13 years. That said, my psychiatrist was gradually increasing my dose and when we tried the 54mg Concerta and the 25mg Ritalin I knew on dose 1 of each I was over my limit. Sweating, rushing, agitation, and generally feeling awful, it was too high a dose.

    That all said, completely unrelated to my meds I had a heart infection last year. A bacteria (streptoccocus sanguinis for the curious) ate a valve and my first symptom was a chest infection. I had fever for a couple of weeks, some gout symptoms, coughing, sweating, and eventually I had to drive to the emergency room. It took me 3 rest stops to walk the 100m from my car to the emergency room and I knew I was in trouble. They thought it may be Covid but no, I had bilateral pneumonia and when the doctor listened they thought I must have a bicuspid valve. It turned out most of the valve was eaten away and the little bits of valve left were flapping away, sounding like a bicuspid valve. Further scans figured out the issue and I had an emergency flight from my country town to a larger city to get an emergency valve replacement. Two days after surgery I was up and walking again with a lovely new scar and a prescription for warfarin and a beta blocker. So if you are feeling weirdness with your heart it is probably a good idea to get it checked if you can manage it. I am in Australia so none of that cost me a single dollar, but where you are it may be different.