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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • rowdy@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    Facebook twitter Reddit instagram all have algorithmic feeds to shove nonsense down your throat. They are (were?) super successful. I agree it’s absurd but the average Joe and Jill don’t give a shit as long as they get that sweet sweet content.

    I stopped using Facebook long ago - as soon as my feed was no longer posts from family and friends, but useless shit they shared.

  • I felt the same way - never been a fan of card collecting games in general. Then I went for the Gwent achievements and I started understanding the strategies more… it got to the point where I would boot up Witcher 3 just to play Gwent lol I tried the standalone version but it doesn’t hit the same.

    But don’t even get me started on the visceral hatred I have for Caravan in F:NV

  • I’m living in Colombia - I don’t need to tell me what I “should do”. No there aren’t prevalent EVs here. But is your argument that because it’s not affordable for poorer countries that it’s just a fad? Terrible logic there chief. Poor countries also don’t have meaningful space programs. Do you think the space industry is a fad too? Can’t compare EVs to computers huh? That’s exactly what you did. Progress is slow - until it isn’t. I hope you remember this conversation when you’re sitting in your EV 10-15 years from now. You say far away from being mainstream… it already is mainstream in countries that can afford the infrastructure. You’re failing your own argument - just let go.

  • I assume you’re American. Spend some time in Europe and you’ll see it’s not just a “fad.” Over there, EVs are plentiful and affordable. The lack of American charging infrastructure is one major issue. No Moore’s law for EVs? What are you trying to say with that statement exactly? That battery technology is not improving? That’s just false. Maybe not at the rate Moore’s law improved transistor size but that’s a false equivalence- not even close to the same technology. Also Moore’s law is dead.

  • Interesting but a seemingly flawed study.

    ~250 participants is not a lot. We have no information of the hardware they were using.

    Some participants were “IT professionals” yet no other qualifying credentials are given. Others are “highly proficient with computers”. How did they qualify that?

    Participants were told to report any issue they encountered - no specification on what qualifies. If you are participating in a study to report anything that frustrates you with a computer (which is already subjective) then of course you’re going to report at an increased rate versus what should actually qualify. PDF file take a few minutes to render? Was it because the computer had an issue? Or because the PDF was 800 pages of high quality pictures? Frustration does not equate to an issue.

    That being said, I work in IT and absolutely there are industry wide issues that need fixing. Most of it is not the fault of the computer systems - but of the client/user. So many of my clients are using archaic software (server OS, SQL front ends, list goes on). A refusal to address these issues is not the fault of the computer. Computer systems can only be as successful as you set them up to be. Don’t blame a machine for what is fundamentally a human problem.