How can you not link the rpgnet review of such a…system. https://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/14/14567.phtml
How can you not link the rpgnet review of such a…system. https://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/14/14567.phtml
When I was taught it it was not pure left/right. Rather a method to differentiate levels of Libertarianism form other branches of liberalism focused on social justice (rising tide and all that). Any idea where you read it? Poli sci wonk phrasing being included into more popular literature is always fun to see.
If your installing, or deleting something and your package manager is modifying more then a few packages: stop, read and think about what your about to do.
Enterprise tooling (aka a usable API) and it stays out if my way.
Along a similar vain to making a git friend, buy your sysadmins/ops people a box of doughnuts once in a while. They (generally) all code and will have some knowledge of what you are working on.
I have a framework. Hands down the best laptop I’ve ever worked with/on.
Honestly? It’s enjoyable. Some of its predictable, some of the dialogue is brilliant, and sometimes the combat is a slog (or just not balanced well - especially early on when you don’t have a lot of options). I do wish it had branching dialogue options but that’s just me. Oh and the art is top notch.
I’m playing through it, and my house mate described it as a love letter to Chrono Trigger.
Also it’s gorgeous. Play it just for the eye candy if nothing else.
Let’s take this one step further. I should be able to get the core ideas in your code by comments and cs 101 level coding (eg basic data structures, loops, and if/then).
I don’t know what part your unaware of - so let me do the ELI5. They (HashiCorp) created a tool called teraform which is used for defining what servers/other infrastructure you use in places like AWS. Up until recently this was open source under the Mozilla license to something that’s not quite open, but not fully closed source (yet).
We’ve got it rigged up for aws sso. Each department can make any number of permissions sets (and link to any number of groups). The config for that is all stored in git (with code owners configured so you can only mess up your own stuff).
So I’m using it with Python. For me it’s able to do some stuff that terrafom never would be able to (Ive got a spot where resources are generated for each file/object on disk).
I for one am recommending pulumi for any of my teams new infrastructure needs.
It’s not. Simple reality is your going to end up in help desk (you might end up in a SNOC or related but ultimately I’d advise help desk just so you learn some real world ops). Security, like it’s engineering counterparts is not something you can do with zero experience in the industry. The two hardest job interviews you will ever have in the general it industry are getting into help desk, and getting out of help desk.