Artist, Designer

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • This reminds me the other day I was in my house stressed because I couldn't install Cyberpunk 2077 on Fedora (I'm new to Linux so I don't know much and I had been distro hopping).

    My MIL was in the house and she saw my screen filled with open terminals, documentation, lutris, wine, everything you can imagine open because I had no idea how to solve a stupid issue.

    I heard her tell my wife "wow he must be pretty busy, he must be doig something really important and it's so impressive that he can read code like that I didn't know he could do that"

    All I wanted to do was to play some damn game bro…

  • Oof I’ve had an experience with these meds…

    I used to take Humira for 5 years but my country stopped delivering it (I used to live in Venezuela), then I moved ti the US and started Humira again, but it was about 30-50% effective only, I still had a lot of pain

    I then went through Cosentyx and Taltz, none worked. Then I tried Enbrel, same effectiveness, got it through a foundation. Healthcare didn’t want to cover it and the foundation didn’t approve me if I had Healthcare.

    Got sick in the US, lost all my money (due to lack of money), so I spent the little I had saved to return to my country, moved to Brazil and I’m about to start Golimumab (Simponi) tomorrow, hopefully it works because I haven’t gotten medication in 2 months and the pain feels unbearable.

    Having said all this, if there is a speck of a chance that this helps people with AS and other similar conditions, it would make me happy. Having this kind of pain is unbearable.

    Sorry for the long comment, I suddenly wanted to rant about this!

  • Hope it’s not a stupid question but would this kind of thing work for ankylosing spondylitis??

    I ask because I suffer from AS the doctor’s that I’ve gone to are always arguing whether it’s an autoimmune or an autoinflammatory disease, and on the web it says that the underlying mechanism is either of the two as well.

    So it’s not clear to me whether it’s one or the other, or if itimplies the same thing. I’ve read a huge deal about AS but I’m not really good at biology or medicine to understand a lot.

    Honestly the only reason I’m commenting -and asking- here, is because I want to have hope that this actually leads up to something that can help me stop this fucking pain that makes me feel like I want to die (figuratively) but I’m afraid of this being a clickbait article.

    Also my English is not the best so sorry for any mistakes and for the long comment.

  • Ahh, I have one story. It’s also kind of my own personal tin-foil-hat conspiracy.

    I was living in a place where you could rent, but it was also a hotel. It had a Rent-a-Car inside, and I was working there. It was exceptional because I was 2 floors away from my job, so no need for commuting.

    Ultimately, and to make this long story short, I decided to leave the company (it was a small company, just my boss, his wife ane me), because one week I started to get paid less than what I was working, they probably thought I wouldn’t notice.

    I immediately started looking for another job, and funnily enough, the hotel - where I lived - was hiring. They basically accepted me after the first interview, I told my boss’ wife that I was leaving the company for the hotel so I gave my two weeks notice.

    Next day, I am driving through the highway with my boss to pick up a customer when he starts SCREAMING at me about going to work for the hotel instead of him. One thing stood out from what he screamed at me:

    “I will make sure that you don’t get that job, or other jobs in the future, and you will never get this job back either, how are you going to live like that now? You just fucked up” - He said

    Now this is the conspiracy/accusation part:

    The hotel needed to do a drug test (they did that to everyone). The day of the drug test, I go to the place, do whatever I had to do, and they just told me to wait for an answer.

    2 weeks goe by - no response. I call and ask, they say they “lost” my tests. Strange, but ok. I went to do another one.

    2 days after the second one, they call me and tell me that the test was positive for weed. Now I’m not going to be a hypocrite and say I’ve never done weed. I have arthritis, so weed is something I sometimes need to handle tha pain and stress, but at that time I was clean for about 5-6 months.

    However, I told them that it’s impossible, that I’ve never done weed, that I didn’t even have money to buy weed. They straight up tell me they don’t care and hang up.

    Exactly 20-30 minutes later, my former (rent a car company) boss -who I hadn’t spoken to for more than a month- calls me, he doesn’t even ask me how I am or anything, he just goes straight for “where you accepted for the job? How did the drug test go?”

    Now, call me crazy but…

    1. I didn’t tell him I was doing a drug test, and if the hotel had told him, they still woul’t have known when I did the drug test.
    2. How did he manage to call me exactly the day I got the results, almost at the same time?
    3. I called the hotel after that call and they told me that they hadn’t even received a call from the drug test place to tell them that it has been positive. That basically I was the one notifying them. However, they said that since it was positive, I couldn’t get the job regardless, no exception.

    At the end, I figured I was fighting a losing battle and searched for other jobs. 2 weeks later COVID-19 hit and the rent-a-car had to close, so that was good news for me.

  • Hijacking this comment thread to recommend SearXNG, it’s basically a decentralized search engine (if I understand correctly) and you can choose from where you want it to give you the results.

    You can choose to index searches from both major (like Google, Bing, DDG, etc) and minor search engines at the same time and it will just give you the most relevant results. Alternatively, you can choose what engines you don’t want results from as well.

    My experience with it has been great so far, I’ve just had minor issues when searching for something extremely specific and in those cases I use DDG or others, but most of the time the first 3 results are exactly what I’m looking for.

    I use the Disroot instance on SearXNG, but you can choose other instances or host your own. There is a dedicated website for choosing instances.

  • That may be true, but I think he might have a case…

    The lawsuit said that Ackerman sent a pre-publication copy of the book to the Tetris Company earlier that year. He said the company refused to license its intellectual property for projects related to his book, dissuading producers who were interested in adapting it, and sent him a “strongly worded cease and desist letter.”

    So he made the book, presented it to Tetris, they rejected the idea, threatened him to sue if he did his own thing, rejected other producers, then I guess partnered with Apple and made it as if it was their idea.

    Are there fictional elements or speculations in Ackerman’s book that were translated to the Apple movie?

    I think so, I think it’s more a thematic kind of thing, not the history per se. But I haven’t watched the movie or read the book, so this is just my point if view from what the article says.

    No idea if it works like that or if he would have a case as I’m not a lawyer, or writer, or producer, so take what I said with a pinch of salt.

  • My mother is like this as well, when I was little she used to only say “come here!”, and if I wasn’t showing up right next to her she wouldn’t say what she wanted to say, she would just stay silent. Sometimes it was only to let me know it was someone’s birthday.

    She even says it unconsciously now. She lives in Venezuela, I live in Brazil now, and during calls she still says “come here” and every time I tell her “Now how am I gonna go there right now? Are you paying for the plane tickets?”

    It’s not just you, you’re not mental, it’s fucking frustrating and at some point in my life I just decided not to react to her “come here” and keep quiet until she tells me what she wants, otherwise I’m not interested.

  • I used to live in the US before and payments between banks/accounts/government entities where a disaster and confusing unless you were using Zelle IF the other person had Zelle.

    I live in Brasil now and I’m surprises of how much more efficient the payment processes are here.

    I used to have to pay the USCIS with checks, sending about $500 a year by mail (USPS), something that gave me so much anxiety I could barely sleep because I could barely afford it and it could just… get lost.

    Today I paid for my permanent Visa here in Brasil and all ot took was reading a QR code and the website auto-updated as soon as I made the payment. That same service you can use it to transfer money to people, stores, supermarkets, anything you can think of.

    Maybe some people prefer the old fashioned way but my question is, wh my is the US still using mail and checks in 2023?