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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • That makes me think- will the AI see a kid that’s about to run out from behind a parked car? As a human, if I see a kid run from the house into a row of parked cars, I know he’s still there and will slow down before I get there. But would self driving make that same leap of logic? I’m not sure what the range and capabilities of self driving cars are right now in terms of scanning, but hopefully it would be smart enough to take preventative measures

  • Nvidia just has been the dominant player in workstation GPUs for so long that it’s almost impossible to see AMD catching up. The hardware is one thing, but I don’t see AMD closing the gap even if they had a GPU that could perform as well as Nvidia’s. Just look at some of the benchmarks on stuff like blender and unreal engine. And that’s not to mention all of the work that’s gone on for optimizing ML and deep learning models for CUDA.

    I won’t pretend like I’m any sort of expert on GPUs, but I feel that Intel and AMD need to team up to create some standard software implementation for AI/ML, and then support it instead of just relying on open source (like with Pytorch and ROCm)