“HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found.”
“HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found.”
Any guidance is appreciated
So not Linux games then.
You didn’t help me, you wasted my time. Pro-tip: be quiet.
Uhh… this analysis makes no sense at all. And now OP has admitted that the joke doesn’t make sense and doesn’t work. Still, just for edification:
Pavlov’s reaction: If something unexpected happens (like bumping into someone), the event might “trigger” a conditioned response — such as Pavlov salivating because he’s used to the bell.
There was no conditioned response.
The wordplay is clever because “paradox” not only describes Schrödinger’s cat but also the confusing situation of this fictional encounter.
There was no confusion.
That’s my interpretation of what they were going for.
I’m asking what the joke is. That’s the focus here. Because it’s presented as a joke. Even though it appears not to be. If you get it, please explain it.
Obviously. But what about them?
Being mysterious doesn’t help me I’m afraid. Still don’t get it. The punchline doesn’t make sense and doesn’t ring a bell.
The fact that you haven’t just explained the joke makes me think you can’t because it doesn’t work as a joke. Right?
What’s the idea?
Don’t get it. Suspect it doesn’t actually make sense.
It’s a reimplementation from scratch
It can’t be both a port and a reimplementation from scratch, those two concepts are mutually exclusive.
the game is FOSS
How can this be FOSS, or for that matter even legal, if Super Mario Bros is a proprietary game?
in this case, we know it’s not because they got rid of that option. Why? Because the task is infeasible to support.
You’re not making any sense.
the devs no longer offer it as a supported method
Are you saying that the Home Assistant developers used to support distro packages?
No one is saying it is impossible
OP is saying that. They said it was “infeasible”.
Well, yeah.
Why do you think that because a person could do something they necessarily will?
it isn’t actually that feasible then, otherwise you’d do more than just whine about it on the Internet
So let me get your logic straight: you’re saying that it isn’t feasible because if it were feasible then a person who could do it would necessarily do it? LOL that makes no sense.
Then do if for your distribution then.
I use Debian.
It’s clearly not that difficult, you’ve all but explicitly stated as much.
I have not said that, or anything like it.
Perhaps you missed the fact that I’m not a Home Assistant user and have no interest in contributing?
Dickheads. Investing in another ROCM-like project instead of just working upstream.