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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024

  • Are you on purpose missing the point?

    The point the person you replied to made is that she didn’t completely stop drinking alcohol once she was diagnosed to have a terminal liver disease due to alcohol use.

    So first of all, she must have drank a lot more than 3 drinks a week to have terminal liver disease in her 30s that’s due to alcohol (yes, all of that is in the article)

    But the issue is she didn’t stop drinking after being diagnosed, she reduced her consumption but didn’t stop it.

    If any of the above is incorrect, feel free to correct us, but making a point that’s completely missing the facts that are being talked about here doesn’t add anything to the discussion.

  • I’m not assuming any of the people discussing here are doing the voting, but also in the discussion his points were being ignored. And i love me a good technology connections video too, but someone from the industry dotting some of the i’s that technology connections missed was interesting :)

    Btw, thanks for also discussing in good faith :). And your example of awnings in Mexico (and how the most modern technologies are indeed not available/practical everywhere) is also a great contribution :).

  • Yeah, and on a discussion space it’s probably also best that you actually read the comments you’re replying to. He felt that the video wouldn’t teach him anything since he’s considers himself already knowing a lot about the subject.

    I just pointed out the irony of you being bothered about him not watching a clickbait video about a topic he believes he already knows more about that such a video can teach. And you then tell him the video makes points he already dismissed.

    He might be a bit abrasive how he entered the discussion, but if he works in the industry and knows why awnings are no longer a thing, and already dismisses the points the video made against more modern technologies since he seems to know what modern technologies are actually like… that does seem actually useful to this discussion. I get him not wanting to waste 20 minutes…

  • the basic goal of libreelec is to just run kodi and nothing else. So it’s really good for a htpc, it’s always running kodi :).

    But since you can add docker to it, i’m also running it as a small server, using portainer to manage the containers, and it’s doing great double duty :). If however you want a real desktop environment, this is not the solution for you :).

  • I’ve now got a 13th gen nuc as htpc using libreelec. There is an intel graphics driver issue with 4K HDR & 23.97fps playback (frequent audio dropouts…), but someone on the forum created a patch that does seem to work, and really happy with it so far. Also Libreelec allows you to install docker, so i can use the nuc (which is way overpowered for just htpc usage) also as a server :).

    I do hate that the maintainers of libreelec are like 'yeah, it’s an intel bug, so we won’t put the workaround in our official release, nor do anything to make potential users aware of it while we can detect that they will probably need it"… Open source developers don’t really like their users it seems…

  • I recently asked questions about HDR & automatic refreshrate switching for a linux HTPC, and the advice in the end was just to find whatever distro already has it all precofigured (and conflcting advice whether i’d need Wayland or X)… i was kind of amazed how poorly supported it appeared to be.

    So yeah, if steam is like “yeah, we won’t try to venture into that swamp”, can’t say i blame them after having dared to ask how to get it to work myself.