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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 21st, 2024


  • More alt-right babble, fantasy, and mythologizing. Looks like the plan would be to normalize “accidental” image use across the spectrum and normalize the sight of foreign, far-right powers openly violating norms. When the domestic terrorists, errrr, ummm, cuntservatives do it, people will be numb to it and simply accept ii.

    Not likely, L’il PP, you’ll have to be more subtle if you want to overthrow democracy; learn from your American betters: this process can take years, even decades. Why, it even with state authority to gerrymander and suppress voters, it took them over 15 years to subjugate the SCOTUS, and fill it with enough bribable (Thomas, Roberts) and pliable (Gorsuch, Coney-Barrett and Cry-baby Kavanaugh). THAT’s the time scale, PP, not an election cycle. Look long term. /s

  • I’d call 4 of 15 weapons displayed as some, not many. What dickfuckery is this?

    But sure, next election, vote for the guy who supported and continues to endorse these neo-nazi pukes. Yeah, vote for the career politician who has never had a real job, never done his own taxes, never experienced need or hunger. He’s your guy, he understands you. He knows you’re a stooge who’ll swallow his bullshit.

    Then, when he comes after YOU, I won’t say a word 'cause he’ll have already silenced me.

  • Another Con con.

    First off, taxpayers fork out good money for staff researchers for all parties so what they present is factual and responsible. Unfortunately, this PC dandy didn’t like, didn’t want, or didn’t ask for anything reality-based. Much better to use a shitty app for flawed and deceitful results to inflame the base. You know the base, the 2% of people across the country who aren’t worried about fact or figures, just how they feel. Unless the feeling is empathy, then they’re stone cold; dead on the inside.

    Secondly, and inconveniently, it has been a historically proven fact that Cons increase deficits, lower monetary value and raise middle class taxes not to pay for expanded defence or social programs, but to make certain their election-funding mega-rich class enjoy all the perks of living in a polite society with paying one goddamn red cent for the privilege.

    “Another island, Galen?”
    “Yes.” “Here you go. It looks like your penis is flaccid, let me get that for you”

    And so on, and so on, and so on…