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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Some of these changes may not stick, but UI / UX is always evolving to the next thing. You have to try things to know if they are successful. I’ll use the new Apple Vision Pro as a example. Apple is taking a gamble here and this is a HUGE change in UI interactions, can you imagine if they never evolved past the old iPod scroll wheel? (maybe a bad example becuaee that was a great tactile user experience). But my point is people have evolved how they use technology, it’s “generally” more reliable and the under the hood stuff can be tucked away for the general user.

  • So I don’t want this to come off as rude, but if you are using the pro version with proper workstation controls all of this is controllable. I work as a L5 engineer for the world’s largest outsourcing IT provider and we don’t have a single customer (from ITAR, HIPAA, Financial, Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical etc) that has been unable to move because of compliance. Some take longer to harden and move but it’s 100% possible. MS knows their audience in this space and wouldn’t release and OS that wasn’t possible to comply. (for the MOST part, obviously things like EU antitrust has made them change some things in the past).

  • I mean, read your comment,

    Yeah I do update them weekly almost, every time I do yay there’s a new driver version, it updates and it works. No major issues besides the explicit sync but that’s being fixed soon and I installed a patch so yeah.

    then read this:


    It’s literally comical. That’s how your comment sounds to my wife. (She’s smart, but she’s not computer savvy)

    I think we just need to agree Linux is fine for power users, but Windows is kinda always going to be for the masses and arguing against that is kind of a moo point because it’s just facts that Windows (~70%) > Linux (~4%) in OS market share. It’s also facts that you can strip out almost anything out of Windows and make it work, but that’s not a “for the masses” move either. So arguing that Linux is a better move than Windows because “muh customization” is again, a moo point for like 90% of people.

    Edit: Changed moot to moo because it’s more comical that way.

  • Nah, the article was something I went searching for after the fact. I guess “old” is in the eye of the beholder. My 8 year old thinks I’m old.

    Just your bog standard Millennial here though. Started out with no tech growing up, and basically grew up along side and with the modern era of technology.

    As for search engines, I agree, that’s why I use a selfhosted SearXNG instance. It’s not shoved down your throat google ads (much more akin to what google was 5 years ago or older), but TikTok surely isn’t the answer for “specialists in their field”, just like I wouldn’t have used Vine to source specialist knowledge before that. The problem with the format is there is to much “jumping to the end” without understanding why. You literally cannot get into the “why” in short video format, it’s a bit like “and now your draw the rest of the owl”.

    I actually feel like some of the youngest generations while “perceived” to be technical because they grew up with tech actually lack much of the deeper understanding of how that same technology works. This is gonna sound very much “in my day we had to walk uphill both ways” kinda thing, but we did actually have to struggle with technology growing up. If you wanted it to work, you had to frequently do it yourself, and figure out why something wasn’t working with out reddit or online forums sourcing thousands of technical people. I use those skills to this day and it’s a skill I try and mentor into new hires at work.

    I recall once early in my career, I caught a co-worker attempting to perform a change on a server for a Fortune 500 financial company using instructions on a webpage that looked like it was from a 1990’s Geocities website (this was probably 2012, so not sure where he even found it!). I slammed his workstation closed so fast and walked him into a conference room. Being “old” doesn’t mean out of touch, but it does often mean wiser.

    Edit: Also, not sure where you got that I’m against google pay, venmo, paypal, square, amazon pay or any of those apps, I have them all installed on my phone. What I AM saying is that those apps are at risk to people who root their phones and install applications from sketchy sources. My point about kids using their phones at vending machines was to prove they are probably MORE at risk because they don’t understand the hows or whys to what they did when they rooted their phone and installed Minecraft (or any game!) from a sketchy crack page.