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Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I don’t think many people rejected the conclusion outright, just the path of getting there. So much of the last season was totally nonsensical. Dothraki ride off into the darkness and get obliterated by zombies; next episode, they’re back! Everyone forgets about the Iron Fleet. Jamie ditches a 7 season character arc in a second. Arya subverts expectations and undermines the existential threat in an instant. The all-seeing, all-knowing Bran serves no purpose except to have “the best story” somehow. Dany heel turns from saving the world to destroying it on a whim.

    Most of Game of Thrones, books and show, is predicated on causality. Things happen for a reason. And they happen realistically, not necessarily in the way we want. It was a breathe of fresh air in the beginning. Honor isn’t rewarded for honor’s sake. Strength is a tool, but a slippery slope. Travel takes time. When that realism is thrown out to force plot, it undermines the entire show.

    So it’s not necessarily the ending that was bad, it was how it got there.

  • pachrist@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneat least rule
    2 months ago

    I have a son that loves ballet. He’s 3 and loves to dance. I could beat him, because ballet is arbitrarily "girly, " or I could encourage him to do things he loves.

    I am much more interested in him being a kind, well-rounded person than I am interested in him being someone else’s stereotype of a man.

    I kind of still dislike some of the even more nuanced discussion around gender because it’s goal can still be to categorize. More precisely, but still occasionally hurtful. I would love for everyone to be happy as they are, undefined by anyone but themselves. I’ve known people who came through so many awful experiences, and some found comfort in the group acceptance of a new gender definition, but the ones I know who are happiest eventually shrug that off entirely and find full self-acceptance. It’s so hard to do, and not everyone can, but gender acceptance is only a stepping stone in the path to self-acceptance.

  • Truly one of the worst adaptions ever made. It’s astonishing that people might have actually tried and worked hard to make this heap of garbage.

    Usually, in trash movies/TV you can see the vision at least and understand how maybe studio executives, or lack of technology, or even lack of ability destroyed the project. The kernel of what originally sold it is still there. But with Halo, I didn’t see any of that. Everything was bad. Nobody cared, and nobody tried.

  • I remember sitting in the theater for Episode VII. I had a sense of excitement because it could be anything. It wasn’t an adaption of a book I’d already read, like Game of Thrones. It wasn’t a remake, like the Disney live action stuff. It was a reboot, but in a totally new direction since they threw out all the EU stuff.

    It was retreaded garbage.

    The only movie I’ve ever been more disappointed in while sitting in the theater was Cowboys and Aliens, because I was so excited for it to be xenomorphs. So sad. But it did cement that I will never trust a movie with old Harrison Ford in it.

  • It’s one of the things I hated about the movies. Sam has a little Dutch angle moment, weighing whether to give back the ring with lots of facial expression acting.

    It’s been a while since I read the books, but I don’t recall him really thinking to much about it. He just gives it back to Frodo, and as a reader, you’re left wondering whether the ring just didn’t have enough time to grab hold, or maybe Sam is just truly pure of heart.

    Then you remember that Smeagol killed someone over the ring immediately. Sam is just that good of a guy. Better than Frodo, better than Bilbo, better than Galadriel, and even better than Gandalf.

  • pachrist@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    6 months ago

    Yeah, I really don’t get this attitude on Lemmy. I get not wanting to crash the bus. But voting for the guy who at best will let the other guy crash the bus in the future or at worst crash the bus tomorrow isn’t the answer.

    I first thought that Lemmy was a little more of the early internet forums I remember, more anti-establishment, anarchist, left wing, but there’s way too much “vote blue no matter who” which is the exact same mentality that has killed the Republican party. Is Candidate A an immoral shit bag? Doesn’t matter; there’s a D next to their name. Probably better than the guy with the R. Better not see if anyone else is on the list.

    I can afford to vote my conscience. I live in a deeply red state, so my vote doesn’t matter, something Democrats could try to fix, but they won’t. Voting 3rd party does matter though, and it’s the only way to truly affect real change and make a difference. It’s the DNC and RNC’s job to field a candidate who’s worth your vote. If they don’t do that, find someone who’s worth it.

  • Anytime there’s a bad accident in my city that gridlock traffic, there’s a guy at work who rants about how illegal immigrants cause it all. Apparently they can swim, but they can’t drive.

    Probably the same shit here. Some brown people crashed a couple planes into some towers when he was in middle school, ergo all brown people are bad drivers.

  • This post is inaccurate. It fails to state that you actually work 2 jobs each at 25 hours a week so neither megacorp has to provide any benefits, and you’ll be fired from one next week because despite requesting otherwise they keep scheduling overlapping shifts and you can only go to one job at a time.

  • As a Tolkien fan and someone who hates voting for octagenarians, this post triggers me more than I’d like to admit.

    Equating the upcoming election to this isn’t a choice between Saruman and Gandalf, it’s between Saruman and Sauron, but instead of picking either of those guys, you pick Aragorn, who Gandalf really likes.

    So what we should do, instead of voting for either, is ask Gandalf Bernie Sanders who he’d like to be president and vote for that guy.

    Also, the whole “line of kings is broken” portion of this joke feels way to close to an RFK Jr. joke for my taste. The man’s insane.