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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • no, the real reason is scanners, trek ships would know the entire layout of the enemy including any weak points in seconds and blasting them in short order with its phasers/disruptors, meanwhile SW still aims ship guns like it’s 1940 on the USS Colorado (BB-45).

    Imagine this: the death star, slowly maneuvering around to get a firing angle on the strange “federation”(some strange new rebel group that the empire has been encountering lately) outpost situated on some moon, when suddenly a cruiser sized ship drops out of hyperspace way closer than the mass of the death star should have allowed, yet still outside the death starts turret range (how could they know?), when suddenly it shoots a “particle lance” that is able to dig a hole into your entire 3km thick armor in minutes (while 3km of steel is nice and all, a phaser can dig through a 15km asteroid in like 30seconds) and then drops what you can only guess as some sort of space torpedo into the hole, that then blows up inside the death star with an explosive yield that would wipe out an entire city in seconds, most likely directly on top of the reactor core, giving us a big boom.

  • Funfact: domestic abuse is strongly tied to a previous history of abuse, or simply put, the perpetrators learned to do it while they were the victims, often from their parents.

    And in a society where mental health access is practically nonexistent, there aren’t many ways for someone to break the cycle. I guess pretending it’s just a personal failure instead of a societal one is nice because it eliminates any burden on oneself.

  • what exactly am i “not educated on”?

    because both the Xbox series X/S and the PS5 use AMD Zen2+RDNA2 with Zen2 being a chipset that uses the X86_64, fundamentally there is nothing much separating the two, and I will remind you the if at times buggy, Cyberpunk ports where done in just a few months towards the end of the project that spanned many years.

    or maybe you meant it in regard to Microsoft and Sony having a significant amount of policy control towards licensing anything that is release on their consoles?