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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • We need to define consciousness here…

    To me everything you describe is related to the mind. Not consciousness.

    To me consciousness is the observer of the mind, not the mind.

    Like, what is “sensing” your thoughts? What is “behind” the mind’s eyes?

    That’s consciousness.

    And it IS universal. It’s indivisible and eternal (doesn’t change).

    Your observer is always neutrally observing. All judgments and shifts happen in the mind. Which the consciousness just observes.

  • For my city, just for a very specific example, it takes less than one afternoon and 80 bucks total (no fees and almost no capital fund requirements) to open a corporation. It takes weeks if not months to open a coop and it costs 2500 bucks PER member.

    I don’t know the specifics of all cities and states everywhere in the world. But the system is built to benefit private corporations much more, as it’s a capitalist system where owning capital equals power, and workers are a commodity.

  • Like the literal law. In most places it’s a much more involved and expensive process to even open a coop compared to a traditional private company. It takes more paperwork, more fees, more capital funds etc. Also, getting investors in (when they can’t own the coop, as they are not workers) or even loans from private or state banks/institutions is much harder. There are several programs incentivising people to open private companies, giving them tax credits, making the application and approval process easier, giving access to funds and education etc. How many there are for coops? In most places around the world there are 0. In what ways does it appear the opposite to you…? Like this all seems very self-evident to me.

  • Your lack of political awareness is part of the problem.

    The neoliberal project was a direct response to the fall of the USSR. Europe only enjoyed social welfare for so long by being right next to the USSR.

    As colonies of the US empire, Europe was allowed privileges to contrast and compare against the USSR.

    After the USSR fell, social welfare fell. Neoliberalism kicked in.

    There was no real left in Europe after WW2 and the Marshall Plan. Only social democrats, which really are right-wing since they defend capitalism.

    China is far far ahead when it comes to developing society for the people. The government there is spending trillions investing in infrastructure, health, education, housing.

    They are allowing all the big housing developers go bust and buying up their assets and capital. They recently declared housing to be a human right and started decommodifying it.

    You can check any major city in China nowadays and they all have much better quality of life than any comparable city. That meaning major metropolises in developing countries (so places like São Paulo, Buenos Aires, México City, Johannesburg, Jakarta etc.). Housing is much cheaper in China, salaries are higher, cost of living is lower…

    China is indeed out-capitalisming the west, but they are doing so by being socialists.

    The joke that China is winning the international capitalism game because at least all their ruling party has read Marx is… probably true lol.

  • Because of the misdirection that exists around “left and right” wing politics.

    There is really only one relevant axis when it come to right and left wing. Pro-capitalism and anti-capitalism.

    The center and the extreme right both seek to protect capital at all costs. One believes “decorum” and “the structures of power” are necessary to maintain capitalism, one believes an extreme restructuring of power is necessary to “save” capitalism.

    They disagree with the means, but they agree with the ends.

    And the center will always give way to the extreme right when things get hairy enough. They fear losing some power, but they fear most losing ALL power…