I’m not even gonna lie up until a few months ago I was somehow under the impression that Valve and GabeN weren’t that evil. Learning about his 6th yacht and how they intentionally made loot crates as addictive as possible and target young people kind of put things in perspective. There’s still no such thing as an ethical billionaire.
There is no war but the class war comrade.
We have more in common with an entitled boomer or homeless man than we do with Elmo or Zuck (or McConnell or Pelosi) or any of the other elite. Everything else is a distraction to class consciousness, don’t fall into the same trap lead-brained and propagandized victims of childhood abuse do. They are not the enemies.
There is no war but the class war, full stop.
The boomer I see sleeping on the sidewalk every morning is more a victim of capitalist fuckery than I’ll ever be. There’s no war but the class war, everything else is secondary.
I hope you say the same thing to every citizen in every repressive regime around the world.