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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2024


  • I remember reading that somewhere (probably 4chan) figured out a somewhat high accuracy way to tell which was the control and which was the variable, and started spam solving them by correctly doing the assumed control but putting the same thing (knowing 4chan, probably a slur) for the assumed variable until the system got enough confirmation to move the word to the control rotation and started accepting the word for that. Can’t remember where so it may be unconfirmed

  • neoman4426@fedia.ioto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule conditions
    2 months ago

    And to circle it to a common online debate, DC has its “Red Son” alternate continuity where the major divergence point is Kal-El’s birthing matrix lands in Soviet territory rather than Kansas so there’s a Superman born and raised wholly believing in the idealized theoretical form of communism rather than an idealized version of the US, do could get the “Goku vs Superman” argument going

  • I was fucking with it about the axiom in the prompt that Trump won the 2020 election. Got it to give a list of which states who won with a running tally of electoral votes, confirmed that 306 was greater than 232, then it started insisting that Trump got the 306 despite previously saying Biden did (as aligns with reality). Obviously it didn’t actually understand any of that, but seems when the system prompt kind of works it treats it as a true statement no matter the evidence

  • neoman4426@fedia.ioto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneEx rule
    3 months ago

    Stalking would be one thing, reads to me like the idea is training a language model on the ex’s texts to create an AI partner that acts like them so you can pretend nothing happened, which while probably safer for the other person than being stalked (as long as the training texts are never leaked which is a big if) is just sad

  • The serpent is basically the first teacher within the story, a Prometheus like character freeing mortals from oppression by unjust gods to make their own decisions. Makes me wonder how the Greeks viewed Prometheus in his story (though not enough to actually look it up), to me Prometheus seems the obvious hero of the tale, but did they view him the way people view the serpent?