Zumal du dir bei iFixit auch ziemlich sicher sein kannst, dass es den Shop nach deinem Kauf noch jahrelang gibt, während der Verkäufer auf eBay gerne mal nach ein paar Wochen verschwindet und potentielle Reklamationen so quasi unmöglich macht.
Zumal du dir bei iFixit auch ziemlich sicher sein kannst, dass es den Shop nach deinem Kauf noch jahrelang gibt, während der Verkäufer auf eBay gerne mal nach ein paar Wochen verschwindet und potentielle Reklamationen so quasi unmöglich macht.
Does the CLI still work? If so, you could download and play all the Windows 7 compatible, DRM-free games in your library just fine. Alternatively, if you already had these games installed, they’ll work fine without launching Steam first.
The feature itself is great. It records the last two hours by default and lets you easily create clips from that. The editor is right there in the Steam overlay, it’s pretty great.
I only used it under Linux, and that’s where I’d say it is still very much a beta experience. I have an AMD Radeon 7800 XT. Most of the time, Steam picks up on its hardware acceleration - sometimes it doesn’t. When it doesn’t, it falls back to CPU encoding (obviously) which occupies around 3-4 cores on my 7950X3D to record 3440x1440 at the highest quality setting. GPU encodes are H.264 even though the GPU is perfectly capable of encoding AV1. Performance impact ranges from almost zero to as much as 30%, which seems a bit excessive. On some games that have a splash screen (Sea of Thieves for example), all it will record is said splash screen, even when it’s not shown anymore: you get gameplay sounds, but the video is just a static image with mouse cursor artifacts. It didn’t record sound from one of the microphones I tried. After swapping it out for a different one, my voice is being recorded. At least one session the shortcut for saving a clip just resulted in an error sound instead of a clip being saved.
So it’s a bit disappointing so far. Yeah, Linux shenanigans and relatively small user base, but Valve out of all companies should treat Linux as a first-class platform. Yes, they do a lot for Linux, with Proton and whatnot. But ironically Steam itself is only in an “okay, it kind of works” state. No official packages for anything but apt-based distributions and Wayland (scaling) support is meh at best.
It did seem to work a lot better on the Steam Deck with very little performance impact in my short testing, so there’s that.
Let me guess without reading: kernel-level anti-cheat?
If you miss the word “Web” in the title:
It allowed that since iOS 17.4, but 18.2 will also allow these apps to as Home Screen icons/PWAs.
I’ve yet to find a browser for iOS with a custom engine though.
Bitwarden keeps working just fine.
Restaurants und Unterkünfte zu finden ist das einzige, wofür ich Google Maps überhaupt noch verwende. Zum orientieren und navigieren ist die App mir mittlerweile viel zu überladen.
Wenn die Bewertungen jetzt auch nicht mehr stimmen, weil die kritischen gelöscht werden, dann fliegt es eben bald ganz runter.
Meaning up to 28 GB for the Air as well?
Das Hauptproblem ist bei alten oder weniger bekannten Geräten meistens die Verfügbarkeit von Ersatzteilen.
“Spezialwerkzeug” braucht man in den wenigsten Fällen. Einmal ein umfangreiches Bit-Set gekauft, dazu vielleicht noch einen Saugnapf, die ein oder andere Pinzette oder “Schaber” und du hast für die meisten Smartphones, Konsolen, Notebooks usw. schon alles an Werkzeug, was benötigt wird. Bei iFixit gibt es da preiswerte und sinnvolle Sets, die qualitativ auch locker ausreichen.
Du brauchst bspw. nicht unbedingt eine spezielle Maschine, die den Kleber vom Rand des iPhone Display löst. Ein 30 Cent Saugnapf und ein Haartrockner oder ein Wärmekissen aus der Mikrowelle tun es auch.
Ich denke Akkutausch ist mit die gängigste Reparatur und je nach Gerät muss man etwas Zeit mitbringen, aber viel schlimmer als 2 Drähte ab- und anlöten habe ich noch nicht erlebt. Das “schwierigste” ist hier meistens eher, einen halbwegs seriösen Drittanbieter zu finden, der gescheite Akkus herstellt.
“Per Software zerstört” kenne ich jetzt nur von Sonos.
I was surprised until I saw the spec sheet. The A17 Pro in the iPad mini has a 5-core GPU as opposed to the 6-core GPU the iPhone 15 Pro has with the chip.
So the iPad mini features a binned version of the A17 Pro chip, and Apple likely has quite a few of them piled up as they only ever sold fully functional A17 Pro chips so far. The N3B process didn’t have the best of yields to chips with partial defects would’ve likely been quite common.
Combine that with the likely lower volume sales of the mini compared to larger iPads (and obviously iPhones) and Apple can probably sell the mini for a couple of years without needing to produce new A17 Pro chips.
So it actually makes a lot of sense. Makes me wonder what they’ll put in the next regular iPad though.
Not really, just some wording…?
Sorry, aber da muss man einfach drauf achten, wenn man eine geteilte Steckdose verwendet. Dann darf man den Stecker eben nicht hektisch beim Verlassen des Zuges herausreißen, sondern in Ruhe ein paar Minuten vorher - vielleicht wäre dann ja nicht mal was kaputtgegangen.
Stark von der Person, die ihren Stecker abbricht und nicht mal wem vom Zugpersonal oder so Bescheid gibt.
Egal ob Vorsatz oder nicht, sowas ist nicht entschuldbar. Komplett hirnrissig.
Exactly, and I’d rather devs focus their time on making sure their Windows version works well via Proton than using that same time for a half-assed native Linux version.
In my experience, even when a game has a native Linux version, the Windows version run via Proton can often be the better choice.
In Tabletop Simulator, I wasn’t able to join my friends’ multiplayer sessions with the native Linux version. No problem with the Windows version via Proton.
The Linux version of Human Fall Flat isn’t feature complete/outdated.
There are better examples though. Valheim runs fantastic aside from a bug that it picks the first instead of the default audio device for sound output on startup. It even supports mods and r2modman supports Linux as well.
Didn’t have any problems with Spiritfarer either.
Then don’t buy a new iPhone/MacBook/iPad every year.
I personally prefer to buy a device that’s as up-to-date as possible whenever I buy it. I wouldn’t want to buy an expensive device that’s 2.5 years old when I buy it only for it to get replaced by its successor half a year down the line.
Most of the cartridges this device can dump are so old that nobody will come after you for owning such dumps, whether they’re from your cartridge or not. It’ll also be hard to prove that the ROM isn’t from your own cartridge if it’s a clean ROM.
This is the way.
I’d rather have properly working accessories that connect using Thread (not Wi-Fi) to one another and work without requiring a separate app. Currently almost every manufacturer requires their own proprietary bridge or they want to connect directly to Wi-Fi.
Give me a button/switch, climate sensors (Eve Room comes to mind as it has Thread but it’s a PitA in some other ways), thermostats that can adjust based on an external climate sensor, lightbulbs etc.
Apple TVs and HomePods already work fine as a “Home hub”, I don’t need a separate, central display.