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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Look up your printer model number on Alibaba. Or better yet, on Taobao (but if you don’t speak Chinese it’s a bit complicated). Your options depending on the printer you have are going to be :

    • Print heads conversion kits (a replacement of the complete print heads module with tubes feed from ink bottles attached outside your printer)
    • Refillable ink cartridges
    • Counterfeited Compatible ink cartridges that cost a fraction of the official ones while having 10 times more ink in them.

    Now depending on where you live and the local laws it may or may not be legal to import those. In the country I live in there is no law against it. In most South East Asia the law doesn’t care about that and if it does, law enforcement doesn’t. :)

  • Since I’ve moved in South East Asia, I have discovered that:

    • Almost every single printer that exists has a conversion kit available on Taobao to use big ink bottles
    • There’s not a single firmware that hasn’t been hacked, nor a single part that hasn’t been cloned
    • Therefore, most printer manufacturers have a specific line of durable products that allows the use of third party ink because if they don’t, other people will bank of their product maintenance and they won’t sell much.

    The only reason we in developped country get scammed like we are, is because of IP laws and governments that allow manufacturers to abuse them with no consequences at the expense of the customers (and the planet).

  • Agreed. And that’s exactly why I say I don’t know what the answer is. It’s really a tough subject that goes way further than just sexism. It’s really the eternal question of balancing freedoms amongst individuals with conflicting objectives.

    We French have a saying : One’s freedom stops where others’ begin. It’s not absolute, there are limits to it. I wish to see something similar being agreed upon in the Fediverse, instead of the American-style libertarianism that’s pushed in some circles of the Internet. But is this realistic? :)

  • I’m not saying it’s not the job of admin men to tackle this issue, it very much is. What I’m saying is I don’t feel they’re good at it, and I don’t believe they will bring the most significant contribution at this level.

    In my experience of moderator, sexism in online communities is a typical case of oppression dynamics. Small group of diverse people grows, some new people come in with oppressive opinions that are initially tolerated in the name of free speech. Oppressed group initially reacts, then as those opinions turn into hate speech gradually withdraw themselves. Next thing you know, the diversity is gone and you’re left with a toxic community.

    Key to keeping a sane community in my opinion is to react swiftly when sexist opinions are voiced, and to scarify some of the freedom of speech to prevent the hate from settling in. And from what I’ve witnessed in many communities I’ve been part of, countless subreddits I’ve been lurking around, men are just not very good at that. I’m not saying all men, I’m not saying this means they shouldn’t do anything. I’ve been there and I’ve tried my best. I’m sure most male admins and moderators are acting in good faith. But I also feel like the general state of the internet shows that’s not enough. Again : the few communities I engage in where sexism is almost non existent are moderated by women.

    Am I wrong? Quite possibly, I believe I’ve been on the internet long enough to make an informed opinion, but I’m also not that bright so… :D

  • Everything you say is what past me would have answered ten years ago, thinking current me is an idiot. Yet here we are. ;)

    You are right and make good points. But you are not 99% of computer users. Just considering installing a linux distro puts you in the top 1% most competent.

    (Speaking of which, I still have a laptop running EndeavourOS + i3. Three months in my system is half broken because of infrequent updates. I could fix it, I just don’t have the motivation to do so. Or the time. I’ll probably just reinstall Mint.)

  • It’s a bit more complex than that (and you probably know it).

    When you enter the Apple ecosystem you basically sign a contract with them : they sell you overpriced goods, but in exchange you get a consistent, coherent and well thought-out experience across the board. Their UX is excellent. Their support is good. Things work well, applications are easy to use and pretty stable and well built. And if they violate your privacy like the others, at least they don’t make the open-bar sale of your data their fucking business model (wink wink Google).

    Of course you there’s a price to pay. Overpriced products, limited UI/UX options, no interoperability, little control over your data. And when there’s that one thing that doesn’t work, no luck. But your day to day life within the Apple ecosystem IS enjoyable. It’s a nice golden cage with soft pillows.

    I used to be a hardcore PC/Linux/Android user. Over the last few years I gradually switched to a full Apple environment : MacBook, iPhone, iPad… I just don’t have time to “manage” my hardware anymore. Nor the urge to do it. I need things to work out of the box in a predictable way. I don’t want a digital mental load. Just a simple UX, consistency across my devices and good apps (and no Google, fuck Google). Something I wouldn’t have with an Android + PC setup. :)

    The whole “special club” argument is bullshit, and I hope we grow out of it. Neither the Apple nor the Google/Microsoft environments are satisfactory. Not even speaking of Linux and FOSS. We must aim higher.

  • The Apple M series is not ARM based. It’s Apple’s own RISC architecture. They get their performance in part from the proximity of the RAM to the GPU, yes. But not only. Contrary to ARM that has become quite bloated after decades of building upon the same instruction set (and adding new instructions to drive adoption even if that’s contrary to RISC’s philosophy), the M series has started anew with no technological debt. Also Apple controls both the hardware to the software, as well as the languages and frameworks used by third party developers for their platform. They therefore have 100% compatibility between their chips’ instruction set, their system and third party apps. That allows them to make CPUs with excellent efficiency. Not to mention that speculative execution, a big driver of performance nowadays, works better on RISC where all the instructions have the same size.

    You are right that they do not cater to power users who need a LOT of power though. But 95% of the users don’t care, they want long battery life, light and silent devices. Sales of desktop PCs have been falling for more than a decade now, as have the investments made in CISC architectures. People don’t want them anymore. With the growing number of manufacturers announcing their adoption of the new open-source RISC-V architecture I am curious to see what the future of Intel and AMD is. Especially with China pouring billions into building their own silicon supply chain. The next decade is going to be very interesting. :)