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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • Communication! You and your partner need to have better communication between you. Without a good communication, your partner doesn’t know your needs. The opposite is also true.

    There is a misconception about rest time and autism. It doesn’t mean doing nothing or laying on the coach/bed. It’s often doing an energizing activity. I can’t give any clue here as the activity is personal and change from one to another. I can only speak for myself with trainspotting, walking in the nature, reading research papers…

    It’s important to sit down and communicate about the needs of both with the partner. It makes things clear and people around us will understand why we are doing it. It’s also respecting the needs of both.

    N.B: Now, communicating and respecting our needs is good. But, we can’t make up needs at one point to excuse ourselves. I see way too many autistics that have suddenly a new need to excuse being an assh*le. This isn’t fine.

  • I hope I won’t be too long on the topic. This is an historical question.

    Why it’s like this, why are NTs deciding for us? It began in the Renaissance period with René Descartes. He was a philosophe and saw the human body as a machine. He wrote about this vision of the human. Each organ, muscle, bones are a piece of the machine. He did a direct comparison between the human and the material.

    Later in the first half of the 19th century, an astronomer, and statistician had the idea to use statistics for human. Prior, statistic were in majority an instrument used for astronomy. Adolphe Quételet studied Scottish soldiers to make statistics of the human. He went further and did not only statistics on the body. He did statistics about injuries, body, and a lot more. With all of this, Quételet invented the average person. Without statistics, you can’t have an average person. This idea is important for the following. It’s also the key idea at the beginning of eugenic.

    Someone was very interested in this topic. At the point, he coined the word “eugenic” itself. Francis Galton was the half-cousin of Charles Darwin. He came from a wealthy family and really like the work of his half-cousin on evolution. But, Galton wanted to apply it to society. He was also inspired by the concept of the average person of Quételet. Galton diverges of both of his predecessors. For Galton, the average person was not the person in the middle. No, it was the person at the bottom. There is a shift down compared to Quételet.

    The poorer, the people without education, disabled, slaves, race shouldn’t be considered with Galton. There were just this average for the one able to work and earn what they need to survive. The others were not even at the bottom of the social ladder.

    People with education, wealthy people, were of course at the top of this ladder. Galton also believed in birth control based on the assumption of the categorization of the human. Wealthy should reproduce as their genetic was better.

    On this base, Galton developed a lot of theories that we still use nowadays, and in particular in psychology and psychiatry. But, his ideas in pathology survived.

    More general, some of his ideas and theories are still around. Eugenic was very popular at the beginning of the 20th century – Galton began his work at the second half of the 19th century. People founded during this time eugenic society, university cursus, etc.

    With WWII, eugenic fall in disgrace. People working in the field made a shift in their career. They went to psychology, psychiatry, philosophy, sociology, anthropology…

    In the 50s and later in the 60s and 70s, a new movement emerged with anti-psychiatry. In this ideology, you will find many points of view. They had and have in common that we should not intern people that aren’t the average person, in other words the norm. Yes, the average person of Galton became a norm. If people are disabled, they don’t produce anything and aren’t included in the norm. They interned these unproductive people. Some went against it.

    But, in one side of anti-psychiatry, you had people who think that people with psyachiatric issues were faking it. The idea is that people are lazy and invented their illness, condition, difference to do nothing. These people in anti-psychiatry wanted to close the asylums, so people will have to work. Spoiler alert: It didn’t work, and people ended on the street or in jail.

    But, all these people thinking people were lazy were in the normal at least. This scheme continued to today, and we end with NTs in charge of deciding…

    I can only recommend the read of the book “Empire of Normality; Neurodiversity and Capitalism”, by Robert Chapman.

  • An environmental factor is what have an influence on a human. For an easy example, the noise of a car is an environmental factor for noise hypersensitivity. Other example outside of Autism, pollution is an environmental factor for cancer.

    For some autistics, being with friends is a factor to mask. Environmental factors influence your energy capacities, your behaviors, etc. this have an influence on your logic capacities. For example, an autistic has noise hypersensitivity. The noise in the classroom will have an influence on the cognitive capacities (like logic).

    I just read this by Kieran Rose and it made me think about what you wrote:

    So much of the autism narrative is a lack of reflective practice and critical thinking on the part of non-Autistic observers with all the power.

  • Short version: It’s BS.

    Longer version: it’s a report from years ago and an IQ test. You should not focus on the IQ. It doesn’t matter. The diagnosis, well, it’s medical and pathologizing. The criterias for autism in the DSM 4? 5? aren’t that good. Nowadays, we understand autism in a complete different way and intelligence isn’t part of it. What you will find written in the report is based on the point of view of neurotypical looking at and comparing something different. It’s a one way assumption. This isn’t the reality. They have to take in account how the autists live and experience the life. This is very different and shows that the criterias aren’t as accurate as people thought.

    You should not take this assumption about logic in the document too seriously.

    This is doing echo to my own experience. I had some difficulties learning part of math and physics. Many teachers and professionals said that I would never get it. I would never do anything in my life. I did a formal IQ test and my score went above scale. But, I still struggled in part of math and physics. Later, I had the chance to empower myself. At this point, I understood why I struggled. I’m self-taught. So, the teachers and other professionals were wrong and the learning system wasn’t adapted to my style of learning.

    I started over. I respected my own style of learning. I didn’t struggle.

    What is in a document when you were 6 yo is a statement made looking through a disforming prism. I don’t think you should give it too much credit.

    The other point like for sudoku, you are using a lot of energy for many other things at your age. This was another issue. I used my energy masking and being with others. I didn’t use it to resolve puzzles. (I feel old writing this.)