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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • DAO is my favorite game of all time. Seeing the series get progressively worse (I hated the switch to High Fantasy, and this looks even worse) is really disheartening.

    I just don’t understand, why even make a fucking Dragon Age game if you’re going to completely change the tone? (It’s a rhetorical question, the answer is obviously that they’re trying to cash-in on the brand recognition).

  • It was dead last time I tried playing (because of the login thing). Unless someone made a community patch to bypass the login prompt, I guess.

    You’re pretty much in the same situation I’m in. BFBC2 was the last Battlefield game I liked, and it was because Rush was so much fucking fun in that. I hate how much the newer ones kind of mostly focus on Conquest, personally.

  • Only if you have the appropriate level of privacy settings enabled (and extensions installed) in your browser. Your IP address actually has very little to do with ID-ing you, since most trackers will use hundreds of different fingerprinting methods to create “shadow accounts” of you using things like your system information, screen resolution, installed locales, etc.

    This doesn’t mean a VPN doesn’t help, though. Just pointing-out that you probably won’t be asked if you’re a bot if you go on Google while logged-in to a Google account, regardless of whether your VPN is on or not.

  • Disclaimer: This is speculation, because I haven’t read the actual law (and I’m not Italian, so it’s not like I really have a reason to).

    I would assume that they will handle it like this:

    To be able to sell your VPN service in Italy, you’ll have to get accredited. Since you’re now taking Italian customers’ money, your company’s dealings in Italy fall under Italian law. They might be able to extradite you, depending on what country you operate from, but realistically most businesses don’t want to get involved in that kind of stuff, because even if you don’t get extradited, no one wants to be put in a situation where they need to actively avoid a country.

    This leaves free VPN services, right? Well, since ISP and “legal” VPNs need to conform to the new law, the Italian government could blacklist those VPNs’ websites (which all ISPs and legal VPNs are required by law to block within 30 minutes of them being added to the block list). So now, you’re in an awkward position as an Italian if you want to get a VPN that doesn’t follow those laws.

    I’m not sure at what extent this law goes, or how they handle people who are paying to circumvent it (because you might have bought a VPN before this), but they might simply require that banks refuse to process payments from VPN providers that refuse to get accredited.

    Obviously, they can’t really block this thing without going the Great Firewall route (and even that has ways of being bypassed), but that’s not really their goal here. Their goal is to establish a stranglehold on what the everyday citizen does. It’s to put a framework in place that allows them to quickly and efficiently block content they deem you shouldn’t be able to see. It’s a disgusting display of a government overreaching and censoring what their citizens’ have access to on the web.