• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Thank you for your comment. I can’t speak for the entire world, but in the UK a 1 cm" gap in the door of a public toilet would be massive and unacceptable. It’s not enough that someone can only see into a stall through a gap in the door if they are “right up to it”; they should not be able to see in at all. Public toilets in other countries have doors with gaps you can’t leer through at all.

    Re. the “gaps meaning ventilation”, surely the “big gap at the bottom” and the fact that the whole top is open will be contributing more to ventilation?

    You say you think this might be a regional thing in the US. Okay, could be. I have personally encountered this issue in Washington, California, North Carolina, DC, Massachusetts, Georgia, Texas, Oregon, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Maryland.

  • Em, no. No it isn’t. Private healthcare gets to cherry pick off all the more straightforward stuff (knee replacements, dermatology) but curiously enough is quite content for the NHS to handle all the expensive stuff (intensive care, trauma).

    It took over 40 years to privatise everything on that list. Not exactly “fairly quick”.

    Feel free to consider it “scaremongering bollocks” all you like, but be aware that government ministers literally wrote a book about how much they want to do it.

    And be aware everyone thought that British Rail would never be privatised, either. But of course it was. After it had been run into the ground through underfunding.

  • Wow. Patients given choice? Perish the thought! You should be forced to have mediocre healthcare, peasant!

    Do you think private healthcare is illegal in the UK or something? Have you not heard of people going private?

    It is a bold move to say that “Tories want to privatise nationalised services” is a conspiracy theory, given the number of times they have already done it.

    • British Aerospace
    • British Gas
    • British Airways
    • British Petroleum (BP)
    • All 10 Regional Water Authorities
    • National Power
    • British Rail
    • Royal Mail
    • The National Probation Service
    • The Forensics Science Service

    ETA: They also tried it with the Forestry Commission.

    It was thought that British Rail was so beloved that no one would dare sell that off, too.

  • It’s not very good now that the Tories have starved it of funds for over a decade with a view to selling it off.

    In 2005, Direct Democracy: An Agenda For A New Model Party was co-authored Jeremy Hunt Michael Gove, David Gauke, and Kwasi Kwarteng, among others.

    On page 78, it states that

    Our ambition should be to break down the barriers between private and public provision, in effect denationalising the provision of health care in Britain.

    And on page 74 asserts that

    patients, either through the tax system or by way of universal insurance, [should] purchase health care from the provider of their choice

    NHS c. 2009 was excellent. Don’t forget that.