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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • press X to doubt

    I can’t forage for missing sunglasses that are right in front of my stupid fucking face. My dumbass would be bringing back half a handful of poison berries like “This is all I could find and I have no memory of picking them but they probably didn’t come from the poison bush I guess.”

    I have similar opinions about the “iT’s nOt a diSoRdEr iTs mOdErN sOciEtY” thing that’s going around lately. Even if we lived in a utopia, I’d still be expected to listen when others speak, cook without burning myself or the food, speak without repeating myself, speak in a way that makes sense to others, keep appointments, read and comprehend instructions, transport myself from place to place without injury or forgetting necessary items…

  • Just say contextually appropriate listening-interjections that validate their feelings. Things like, “WTF?” “Rude!” “How awful,” “Oof that’s stressful,” a disapproving hmmm, etc.

    Imagine you’re a dustpan without a bottom: the dust of their venting gets swept in, but falls right back out without sticking to anything. Most importantly, don’t try to fix their feelings. That’s not your job. Your job is to meet them where they are, as they are. (And if, for whatever reason, you can’t, I’ve used the phrasing of, “I’m really sorry, but I can’t be a good audience for that. Do you need suggestions for finding other support?”)

  • Just the usual stuff.

    Staying over a friend’s house and her granddad kept talking about how he looked forward to sneaking in and tickling my feet in the middle of the night. I faked stomach flu and called my mom to come get me.

    Then the normal stuff that happens when a 19-year-old works service jobs:

    • The middle aged man who came to visit me and lingered too long all the time.
    • The middle aged man who wanted me to hold up a coffee table book so he could photograph it/me.
    • The middle aged man who bought a bag of trail mix and, when I asked if he wanted a shopping bag, replied, “No, my dear, I’m going to take out the nuts and put them in my mouth and lick and suckle them until they’re moist and slippery.”