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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Be honest. Say you don’t have references so that you intend to prove yourself from day one.

    Most hiring we do is based on what we can find publicly and how the conversation goes. If you have more to show, that helps. We hire (developers) based on code and gut-feeling. We don’t do the roles you are looking for but if you have been looking for a longer time already, open an issue on an open source reository you care about and ask how you can help sort out tickets and ask follow-up questions.

    Companies search for value (often money, but smaller copanies tend to search broader). For customer support I expect that to mean “low monetary investment (including training), high output”. Perhaps they need some flexible additional support. Ask them what they need, see if you can offer that, explain/convince how you will bring offer that and ask if they see improvements to the plan.

    PS: also what andrewgross said. Customers count, friends can count. And having ran a business that worked is a great reference to show you do what is necessary.

  • My whole work environment is tightly integrated ensuring I can use the same tools nearly everywhere. Things like keybindings (deleting a sentence, spellchecking a region, multiple cursors), macro’s (ad-hoc repetitive command sequences), the consistent mostly text-based visual look & feel. All of this lowers the cognitive load.

    Comparing to an IDE, Emacs is more of a hyper-configurable integrated work environment. In my case, my code editor (Emacs), my knowledge base (org-roam), my tasks manager (ad-hoc on top of org-mode), my email client (mu4e), my tiling window manager (exwm), interaction with git (magit) and git issues and PRs (forge) as well as some other tools are controlled from Emacs. I call them ‘my’ because they’re sometimes slightly modified to scratch my own itches. I could integrate my calendar but Google’s webdav APIs seemed flaky at the time and FireFox only gets some consistent keybindings.

    Just a few more years and Emacs will turn 50 years old. You never know what the future will bring but there’s a reasonable chance I will not have to throw away what I have learned so far.

    Some examples of this integration:

    • When I start developing on a project as full-stack I usually have a M-x develop-projectname command that boots up the application, arranges my windows with the right folders open, backend and frontends started, and a place for FireFox (not integrated, only uses some of the same keybindings)
    • It is not uncommon for me to receive about 100 emails in a day, some just informative and some requiring action. Processing these can lead to tasks or just information. In any case, treating them and doing actual work on the same day requires focus and a smooth path from throwing it away to drafting out tasks.
    • An email can lead to an action to be taken on a server. When managing a server (local or remote), I’ll outline the tasks to execute. I can execute these tasks through org-mode’s code-blocks on the remote host and have a read-back of commands and output. In this use my knowledge base becomes similar to a Jupyter Notebook but integrated with all the rest. I can also reuse the results whilst working on it and I can mail the read-back to whomever would need to have the result in a readable email.

    If you want to come to the dark side and like VIm’s keybindings, you may want to use Emacs’s evil-mode and keep them. It might just be the best of both worlds.