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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 10th, 2023


  • Sure, but the common consensus seems to be that you shouldn’t be annoyed at the constant updates when that’s an explicit feature of that system. Maybe that’s just a misreading, but I assume the expected reaction would be “Not now” rather than “Not again”.

    (I’m not taking a position, as I’ve never worked with a rolling distro and can’t really comment on either stance, just trying to navigate the confusion here)

  • I’m far from OG, unless you count my dad’s SUSE that I “used” as a child for a while. I fondly remember SuperTux. But I didn’t really interact with the system much beyond starting games or a browser.

    Later (about six years ago, I think) I started dual-booting Ubuntu as a side piece for productive stuff while gaming on Windows. Gradually tried gaming on Linux too, then made the jump to Linux (Ubuntu) exclusive late 2021.

    Since a recent PC upgrade, I’ve used an additional disk to try Nobara and am happy with it so far. I’ve now got a spare disk and more time to try new distros, so I plan to explore the distroverse some more, but all in all I’d consider myself more of a newcomer or at best a resident than an OG.

  • I had the opposite once, years ago: I don’t know the cause anymore, but somehow Windows disappeared from my grub.

    By the time I had finally secured all my data with the intent to make that absence permanent, it did reappear (again, no idea why), but I was committed. Steamrolled the entire drive with a new Ubuntu install and haven’t used Windows privately since.

    I did need to use tools that don’t run on Linux (even with wine - believe me, I tried) for uni and used a windows VM, my work laptop is Windows because I need the same tools and get no say in it anyway, but haven’t had a direct Windows install on my system since 2022.

    My private OS of choice is by now Nobara, though I also intend to use an obsolete SSD to try more distros with.

  • He could take a bit of a gamble, do some Linux as a comparison and see if that draws viewers too, maybe some attention from those that are curious about Linux but not enough to actually delve into the topic themselves (or deterred by the reputation of Linux being complicated).

    Choosing a suitable distribution might be a challenge, particularly because some distro elitists will inevitably come to dunk on his choice and he might not want the comment section to be clogged by distro wars (particularly if the majority of viewers, as you suggested, are Windows users and will find that off-putting).

  • I think of them frequently. They have my thoughts and prayers.

    Not my help, of course. They should have to work for their success just as hard as the rest of us. But I hope that they’ll be able to carve out a living with their labour!

    If you struggle with reading etween the lines

    The implication is that they should be stripped of their capital and the power it gives them. I hope they’ll turn out decent, hard-working people (because good people are worth more than vindication), but even if they aren’t, them being able to live on little work implies a world where we don’t have to worry about slaving away for survival. That’s worth hoping for.