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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • The tutorial segment is very weird for Remnant. My partner died before the ‘final stand’ segment of it (and before she had even seen all the control prompts) and she was shown the cutscene and dropped off at the Ward!

    The game is definitely Souls-lite, and some of the bosses can be brutal (I have not finished my first run of the game, for reference), but I found it to be a fun time with friends. And it appears number 2 dials things up and addresses some of my issues with the game.

  • If you’re currently in no position to go private, then the first thing to do is get in contact with your GP. My local GP allowed me to fill in some details about my issue, and they’d contact me to dicuss it further.

    I was asked to collect some questionnaires to determine the impact of any symptoms on my life. Now, at this stage, you should request to be referred via ‘Right to Choose’ along with a suitable private clinic, such as PsychiatryUK. I think I did this but was ignored and referred to my local NHS psychiatry unit with it’s wonderful 4 year backlog (18 months on the list so far!)

    I had to appeal to doctor’s initial decision as there was a lack of evidence, so be prepared to provide school reports etc to defend your stance.

    Get on the NHS/Right to Choose waitlists as soon as possible, and then you can pay for private if the funds come up first! Hope this helps!