
Hey! Please contact me at my primary Fedi account: @[email protected]

https://lemmy.one/u/[email protected]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • Flash drive hidden under the carpet and connected via a USB extension, holding the decryption keys - threat model is a robber making off with the hard drives and gear, where the data just needs to be useless or inaccessible to others.

    There’s a script in the initramfs which looks for the flash drive, and passes the decryption key on it to cryptsetup, which then kicks off the rest of the boot mounting the filesystems underneath the luks

    I could technically remove the flash drive after boot as the system is on a UPS, but I like the ability to reboot remotely without too much hassle.

    What I’d like to do in future would be to implement something more robust with a hardware device requiring 2FA. I’m not familiar with low level hardware security at all though, so the current setup will do fine for the time being!

  • I think so, assuming these malicious packages are all primitive enough to just look for the single file in a user’s home folder lol. The only downside here is needing to provide the keyfile location to ssh every time you want to connect… Although a system search would pretty much defeat that instantly as you mention

    SSH keyfiles can be encrypted, which requires a password entry each time you connect to a SSH server. Most linux distros that I’ve used automatically decrypt the SSH keyfile for you when you log in to a remote machine (using the user keyring db), or ask you for the keyfile password once and remember it for the next hour or so (using the ssh-agent program in the background).

    On Windows you can do something similar with Cygwin and ssh-agent, however it is a little bit of a hassle to set up. If you use WSL i’d expect the auto keyfile decryption to work comparably to Linux, without needing to configure anything

  • Edit: sorry, I may have misunderstood your post - free email != email masking.

    My original post below…

    Curious why you consider email address masking services as for those with “drastic anonymity” requirements?

    I personally don’t think so: they are pretty much just a digital P.O. box, and are typically not anonymous in any way (subpoena/court order to the provider). They are built-in to Firefox too, it will automatically create new ones OOTB as you sign up on websites, if you click the autofill.

    They are however IMO one effective tool out of many to restrict the ability of data brokers and hacking groups (aggregated breach datasets) alike from making money from your online presence without your consent.

    In almost all cases this data is freely searchable for law enforcement and private investigators, allowing them to avoid going through the legal system to investigate and possibly detain you for things you’re not guilty of

  • international law known as Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS), through which private corporations are able to sue governments that implement legislation that constrains their profits.

    Why does this even exist ☹️

    If, say, a government attempted to force an international fossil fuel company to clean up after an oil spill, or introduced measures to disincentivize smoking, those governments could be sued


    Próspera launched an $11 billion ISDS case against the government of Honduras, claiming that its repeal of the ZEDE laws violated the terms of existing international treaties. That amount, $11 billion, represents about two-thirds of the government’s annual budget.

    Wow. To be honest, after reading the rest of the article I can see why guillotines are so appealing.

    Truly a sad state of things when a billionaire has the freedom to legally bully goverments smaller than them. This will just end up hurting the country IMO, as the govt’s legal money needs to be pulled from somewhere