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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Yep. I have light and sound sensitivity to the point I wear earplugs at work at all times, and I have certain sensitivities to textures (both food and touch). I’m grateful I don’t have temperature sensitivities, although my lack of reaction to cold temps is its own problem.

    What I mean by all this is everyone’s sensitivities are different even if they can overlap with someone else’s. My light sensitivity may be less or more severe than someone else but we still share the base of it.

  • Some people can get through with just therapy and not need medication. A lot of people benefit from having both things working together, and the medication can be a short term solution to let your brain chemistry heal while the therapy does its work.

    I’m one of the people who needs both, because my brain chemistry is totally screwed up. I see my therapist every other week, and at this point I see my psychiatrist about every six months to check up on things. I’m probably going to be on medication forever, but it’s a lot nicer than being miserable and anxious and feeling lost.

  • I got a diagnosis partly because I needed accomodations at work. Light sensitivity and sound sensitivity are a bitch in an auto dealer showroom.

    How different would my childhood have been if I had been evaluated when I was younger?

    I have the same question, and I’m working through it with my therapist. I’m not sure there will be an answer that makes everything “better”, but it does help to realize that I have been this way my whole life, and that I can make my life easier now that I’m an adult in ways I couldn’t as a child.