Disabled artist, passionate human, and hopefully a better man than the day before.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 6th, 2023


  • Even with the best care I wouldn’t expect it to last 20 years. The switch is nowhere near a well built machine as the DS was. The controllers will be lucky to last a year. They used arbitration to avoid a lawsuit over how crappy the switch is knowingly built. We’ve been through three since their inception. That being said they’re still a lot of fun. They are trying to integrate the sub more, but it’s still avoidable on some games. If you buy one get a hard case or at least a somewhat solid case to help support the console with the controllers connected if you decide to play it that way. The way that they’re connected with what destroyed them faster for us because you put too much pressure on the controllers and their connection when holding it. Using a case like this for reinforce the controllers and make them last much longer in my experience.

  • I only hate smokers out of jealousy, but it’s not real hate. Probably too much story, but here in The Derp South smoking is pretty engrained with the poverty. I started cigars when I was 18 and then cigarettes. I was told at 31 just before my December birthday I had five years to live if I didn’t quit smoking ( I know that was likely not accurate, but I was in rough shape). I was at 42% lung capacity and already had PAD and was diagnosed with COPD. I’m 42 and January 1st will be 11 years without a cigarette. I am at 86% lung capacity and am no longer considered to have COPD. I also miss smoking dearly and fucking loved it. Tell cigarettes I said hi and I’m sorry we can’t be together… Lol