Ack I seem to have grown a penis too?! I’m a fraud!
don’t keep sweatin’ what I do 'cause I’m gonna be just fine
Ack I seem to have grown a penis too?! I’m a fraud!
Wait hang on I’ve been using “za” for ages, was this not legal until now?
Two of my least favorite characters anyway.
Nightmare fuel tho
Aw relevant username
Why Philly, this city is really stupid the last few years
This is such an amazing shot!
Awww Eleven 💙
Judy is a beauty!! 😍
Bowie just levitating like it ain’t no thing
OK this is my favorite one so far
Happy howl-oween you hipster ghost!
This is the literal definition of spoopy, haha:
Spoopy is an internet slang term used to describe something that is “spooky” but in a comical or cute way, such as a puppy in a ghost costume or a goofy Halloween video.
Bowie just being perfect as usual! 👻🐕🩶
That’s Bowie’s entire vibe
I, a human, can't keep my hat from bunching up when I tilt my head back, but somehow Bowie can?
Homeboy is definitely a sock puppet.
I used to live near there too!
You deserve it.
This is why sometimes dog lick my nose.
I tell her to keep her licker in her licker cabinet but she no listen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯