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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • T would benefit from reaching out for mental/behavioral health assistance above and beyond just seeing a psychologist and psychiatrist. He needs additional supportive services that may be called something like “skills training”.

    With that in place, and a demonstrated record of showing signs of improvement, and a lawyer, he ought to be able to get custody back.

    Might be worth seeing if the administration can come to an agreement that he gets further supportive services before they reduce custody.

  • Haha that is a great idea! Give the landmine kill a special animation just to make sure that the cheaters get the message or let them figure it out in time lol?

    Heh, did you share that inventory technique on news.ycombinator? I could have sworn that I read a story there a team doing that.

    I know exactly what you are talking about - I was digging into the modding of this one game and happened upon a cheater’s forum. Blew my mind that the first step was to completely gut your computer’s security lol. But at the same time, was enlightening to see that. Seems like some of the work has been moved to the Anti-Cheat systems, but I’m guessing that there must be large gaps in what the AC can actually do for you at the application level?

  • Kudos for looking out first your future self - I had to leave the field entirely after it got to the point where I couldn’t stand to look at a computer anymore. Still can’t for more than an hour, two years later.

    I intend to reply more later, because this does deserve a longer reply, but I am short on steam.

    In the meantime, have you heard of login.gov? Check that out. The day that .com gets a hook into that is the day that identity problems are (mostly) solved.

  • I spent about a decade in the enterprise software development space, so I totally get it. I couldn’t put it into words as well as you did, however.

    After watching the FCC bigwigs debate robocalls several years ago, I’ve become a believer in a future where your internet access is always authenticated to your real life ID, dark web excepted of course.

    In their case, it was posited as a best-in-class solution to the problem of spam in the telephony space. Same logic applies to email. I mean, look at what Twixxer did with the verified checkmark requiring a credit card. The trend is already there.

    I get the fear of being de-anonymized on the internet, but it may be the case of something we hate being something we need, when you start to throw deepfakes into the mix.

  • It’s mostly the same in America - I have an invisible disability or two and it has been next to impossible to get access to the social safety net. The only viable avenue, if you aren’t visibly disabled, is to hire an attorney to work with the system.

    That takes an humongous effort that not everyone can sustain on their own.

    Why aren’t these systems activated at the point of diagnosis, for example? How many gaps are there in the safety net, really?