Somehow Filmation’s style grew on me over time. I remember, when He-Man came out. It was the first Filmation series i watched. Heck, at the same time shows like Thundercats were on and i didn’t understand why He-Man was so strangely animated.
After watching a few Filmation series ( going through Godzilla now ) i now know what to expect. Meanwhile it’s a treat, when i find unwatched Filmation shows.
You made me remember these Tolkien films i saw when very young, never had an opportunity to watch again and completely forgotten. Going to rewatch now, you got me very curious, since also only now they are Rankin-Bass.
Yeah, Godzilla is pretty bad. I think it’s fair to say, that watching one episode is enough to get to know almost everything about it. I just find it interesting to see different stages of their animation style through the years.