Designer, artist, part of Fedora’s marketing team and ferociously communist ☭

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: February 18th, 2021


  • Is the meme wrong?

    Yes, it is.

    basic functionality that should be in gnome in the first place

    Who gets to decide what’s “basic” functionality? Each desktop’s team has their vision for what they want to implement. Something that might be basic to one person might not be in someone else’s vision or…

    the devs don’t want to implement

    …is being worked on but needs design. GNOME is design-oriented. It doesn’t matter how much you scream that something needs implementing if no one designs how that implementation will work and why it should be implemented in the first place. It’s not about “not wanting”, it’s about making sure that when something is implemented, that it’ll work well both now and in the future.

  • it’s a project with a cohesive idea of what it wants to build, to a certain extent they are perfectly right to stand with “their way or the highway”

    this isn’t an apple thing, it’s just that in the operating system market there isn’t any other example of someone having a defined idea of what they want to build

    KDE tries to be all of those things, but trying to cast too wide of a net just gets you a mess of settings and unfortunately buggy experience overall

    small edit: I have a ton of respect for the KDE devs, I just realized I’ve been sounding too negative about them, I just don’t like the end product

  • The different names of Linux ‘versions’ are kernels, right?

    Not really, the kernel is basically the only thing all distros share in common. The different Linux “distros” (as in distributions) are called that precisely because they have different ways of distributing the software they use to build the OS. They use different means to achieve the same goal.

    Any recommendations on what ‘version’ to start with for a heavy gamer?

    I am biased towards Fedora since I am a contributor of the project, but you can’t go wrong with Ubuntu either. It’s more popular so there’s a lot more content about it online if you need help.

    The only thing I recommend against is using small, niche distros or DIY distros (like Arch) as your first. Stick with big distros with big communities and don’t be afraid to ask questions in the forums if there’s any doubts or if you face any issues.

    It sounds daunting in the beginning, but it’s way easier than the internet make it seem.

  • Now, for an actual sane take, unless we do the actual marketing work in order to gather interest from people, no, not even close to everyone will switch to Linux, specially considering Microsoft has literal millions of dollars to spend in marketing and will likely spin this in a way that non-techy people specially will buy in due to not knowing any choice.

    This is a PSA begging people to contribute to their favorite distros not (only) with code but with marketing. Social media posts, videos, word of mouth recommendations, advocacy, events, etc. If your distro doesn’t have a marketing team, create one, as most projects should already have done two decades ago. If your distro has one (like we do in Fedora), join it. There’ll likely be something you can help with.

  • Simple, OP and some people just don’t know what they are talking about. There was no “aesthetic reason”.

    One of the big changes in GNOME 40 (that would be 3.40) was the introduction of GTK4. People used to assume that the gnome major versioning scheme was tied to GTK, so loads of people were asking the devs when GNOME 4 was coming out.

    To demistify this idea of one being tied to the other they just dropped the “3.”, specially since that part wasn’t that relevant and started with the 40.