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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • A brief technical summary from iMAP reveals what happens when users attempt to access sites using Cloudflare and Google DNS.

    • On Maxis, DNS queries to Google Public DNS ( servers are being automatically redirected to Maxis ISP DNS Servers;


    • On Time, DNS queries to both Google Public DNS ( and Cloudflare Public DNS ( are being automatically redirected to Time ISP DNS servers.

    “Instead of the intended Google and Cloudflare servers, users are being served results from ISP DNS servers. In addition to MCMC blocked websites, other addresses returned from ISP DNS servers can also differ from those returned by Google and Cloudflare,” iMAP warns.

    "Users that are affected, can configure their browser settings to enable DNS over HTTPS to secure their DNS lookups by using direct encrypted connection to private or public trusted DNS servers. This will also bypass transparent DNS proxy interference and provide warning of interference,” iMAP concludes.

    Essentially Malaysia law required ISP to drop DNS entries for some sites, local users started using public DNS. ISP started redirecting public DNS requests, and local users started using DNS over HTTPS.

    The pirate wars continue in their arms races.

  • Five shareholder proposals With three management proposals, the shareholder proposals are numbered 4 to 8 inclusive.

    4: Employment protection for opinions differing from Apple policy This argues that Apple doesn’t promise not to discriminate against applicants and employees on the basis of “viewpoint” and “ideology.” The proposal expressed a concern that those with conservative views are disadvantaged.

    Apple responds by stating it has a commitment to “a culture where every great idea can be heard and where everyone belongs, including those with differing viewpoints and ideologies.” It says that the company’s existing policies and practices already address this concern.

    5: Report on the company’s removal of religious apps in China Another proposal demands a report into the company’s removal of religious apps from its Chinese app store, and threatened removal of the social network X.

    Apple says that it already offers transparency on this issue, and must comply with the laws of each of the jurisdictions in which it operates.

    6: Report on unadjusted pay gaps for women and minorities Apple currently reports on weighted pay gaps between men and women, and between minorities and non-minorities. This reporting adjusts for factors like time spent out of the workplace for things like childcare. The proposal calls on Apple to also report on unadjusted pay gaps, in order to make visible “structural bias” in pay differentials.

    The company responds that it believes its own reporting provides “more meaningful” data, and that Apple achieved gender pay equity globally by 2017, and full pay equity “at the intersections of gender and race and ethnicity” in the US by 2022.

    7: Prepare a transparency report on Apple’s use of AI The proposal asks that Apple disclose its use of AI, as well as any ethical guidelines it has adopted to govern such use.

    Apple asked the SEC for permission to exclude this proposal, on the basis that it would risk disclosing commercially-sensitive information about the company’s plans. The SEC denied this, and the company now asks shareholders to vote against it for the same reason.

    8: Report on human rights policies The proposal points to “inconsistent” application of Apple’s stated values when it comes to complying with legal demands in China to remove apps and adopt other policies, like introducing a timeout for AirDrop. It calls for the company to issue a report on this.

    Apple says that it already does so.

  • This is great it’s finally been adopted. Having read this though, I really wonder about some very small things like AirPods and other Ear Pods which are so small it would be difficult to engineer them to pop open without impacting the longevity ot the item. Maybe I’m wrong, it is just an interesting thought. Otherwise I am all for the right to repair your own stuff and cradle to cradle these things.