Nice work … whenever anyone does work of these short little animations and video … most people have no idea how much time and effort it takes to create / recreate / manipulate / render / rerender / experiment in order to get the right combination of file size / quality / content.
Even if it isn’t OC and you went out of your way to do it … it’s still some work and knowledge.
It was always simple for me
Stars Wars is about war, fighting, conflict, heroes, villains, basically the Wild West but in space … and to upgrade the story a bit, the turned it into WWII in space … then to upgrade it even more Cold War conflict in space … basically its always about war and the always simplified message of ‘Good guys against bad evil guys’
Star Trek to me has always been about hope and change. A future where humanity goes out into the cosmos and runs into all kinds of situations (including war) and deals with everything in a civilization where everything and everyone is complicated but we learn to work and live with one another as a functional society. We also learn to admit everyone and anyone can take the roles of being ‘good’ or ‘bad’ depending on what is happening and nothing in society is ever simple or clear. Star Trek has also taken the position of constantly holding a mirror up to our current society and showing us how backward, undeveloped and uncivilized we can still be while also giving us hope that we could be much more.