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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I was definitely in a similar position but at a younger age. So I’m not sure how applicable my experience is to you at 40+

    For me what helped most was 3fold:

    1. Bupropion. I can’t state how much this antidepressant/ADHD combo medicine helped me chill out, function, and relax about social situations.

    2. A major cognitive shift from “I must make friends” to “I’m totally happy alone, friends just make things better”

    3. Learning to always assume the best. People aren’t out to get me, nor do they hate me. They’re generally busy, almost certainly have a small clique of friends they like to spend time with, and I’m not in that group. And that’s totally fine.

    It took from age 23 until 26 for me to get that all straight in my head. I spent almost a year of that pulling back from all social responsibilities and taking time to be alone and heal.

    Reading through your comments here reminds me of myself before that process and I’ll give you the same advice that a dear friend gave me - you need to go talk to a psychiatrist. Your mental state is unhealthy.

    You don’t heal a broken leg by walking on it. You shouldn’t try to heal a broken mind by force of will. Medication is a modern wonder, and I’d seek it out every time in your position.

  • Interact with them just the same as before. they’re still friendly people, they’re just friendly people who didn’t come to an optional social event.

    How many optional social events do you say no to? Personally I will decline dozens of invites to do things every year for various reasons including: nah I don’t feel like it.

    It’s not that I don’t like the people doing the inviting: it’s that I have a limited social battery, limited free time and a lot of things I want to do.

    And in the meantime: become even closer with the 5 who showed.

  • It’s the correct decision that will never happen - Children have no rights+ in modern society.

    Any zealous religious parent being told they can’t bring up their child in their religion would throw an absolute shitfit.

    +The only “right” of a child is framed in terms of parental responsibilities.

  • It’s not a misreading at all. In many fundamentalist sects (such as the one I left) that’s the dogmatic truth of those verses.

    Everything material is sinful and holding you back.

    I have lived with and continue to love many religious people - that does not make them rational. That does not make their religious beliefs OK. With all the love in their hearts they still participate in evil and coercive control of others. They are particularly dangerous in that they believe in their heart of hearts that they are doing the right thing.

    This is the reality of religion: it is dangerous, coercive, self propagating brain washing that forces people into shape. It creates panopticons. Window twitching neighbors that snitch and shun.

    This is true of all religion. In Christianity it’s true of southern baptist and Lutheran’s and Christian scientists and episcopalians and Jehovah’s Witnesses and 7th day Adventists and Mormons and Catholics and Orthodox and …

  • all earthly possessions

    Matthew 6:19-34 and Luke 18:22-25

    Pretty unequivocal: give up everything and serve God.

    there is no coercion within Islam to wear a hijab, kinda like how there is no coercion within Christianity to be a virgin.

    The fuck there isn’t. Coercion in Christian sects is rampant. Your parents finding out you’re not a virgin will have you disowned in plenty of Christian households.

    People who want to oppress women will do it regardless of means

    And people who want to murder will do it regardless of means. That doesn’t allow us to throw up our hands and let murder cults exist. Instead we extirpate them, outlaw them, stamp them out both legally and culturally.

    To distinguish them, just get their confidence and ask them in a safe environment.

    Pragmatically speaking this is, unfortunately, the best we can hope for. I’m not talking about pragmatics here though: I’m talking about fundamentals. Theory. What is a truly polite society?

    It’s not one where religious coercion is allowed to fester.

  • And Christians are supposed to give up all early possessions, renounce sex and serve God all their days.

    What’s your point? Theory means fuck all.

    Religions are coercive social structures. You cannot distinguish those doing it willingly from those corrected into “proper behavior”. As such a civil society can permit neither.

    Re: downvotes - no idea why it’s not working, but your anger is obvious enough without it

  • huginn@feddit.itto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneQueen behavior rule
    19 days ago

    Choosing to wear a hijab is totally cool, as long as it’s not because of a religion.

    Religion uses coercion and indoctrination to control people.

    It doesn’t matter if it’s state sanctioned or not: the social contract imposed by religion is violence. It doesn’t matter if it’s the government threatening jail time or your friends threatening social isolation. It’s coercive.

    And you can’t distinguish between those who do it willingly and those who are forced: so a civil society can permit neither.

  • Theory is fine but in the real world I’ve never used a REST API that adhered to the stateless standard, but everyone will still call it REST. Regardless of if you want it or not REST is no longer the same as it’s original definition, the same way nobody pronounces gif as “jif” unless they’re being deliberately transgressive.

    403 can be thrown for all of those reasons - I just grabbed that from Wikipedia because I was too lazy to dig into our prod code to actually map out specifics.

    Looking at production code I see 13 different variations on 422, 2 different variations of 429…