Try out photography! Get some basic tips on composition and light before your trip. Use your own phone so you don’t have to make an initial investment. If you search for “badlands” on, you’ll get some ideas on photography and find some interesting places, too. You might even consider expanding your initial photography skills upon your return, and this could become a rewarding hobby that encourages you to visit and photograph beautiful places.
Not a mass exodus. Call it a brain drain, if you will. The churn includes those who posted or were moderators. Since those who stayed are directly or indirectly supporting practices that most of us find unacceptable, Reddit will probably forever have that sour taste. It will gradually turn into a pale reminder of what it once was, and it will lose its spark. The sheer volume, quality, and length of posts in the Fediverse is indicative of new user profiles. I am so glad I took the plunge!