• 2 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • Not sure where you’re getting that from. As far as I know none of the sorceresses’ familial backgrounds are explored aside from Yennefer’s. Either in the Netflix show, the books, or the games. Additionally, magical ability is exceedingly rare and not confined to the nobility. The chances of the majority of the sorceresses being from noble families is extremely low.

  • Most sorceresses in that universe enhance their beauty/youthfulness with magic. Most sorcerers do not because they’re taken more seriously as they age. It’s essentially a commentary on what each gender derives power from. Yennefer is like 80 years old by the time the main story begins.

  • That creates a weird power dynamic where the state could potentially withhold subsidies if it doesn’t like what is published. Furthermore, it would provide an easy source of revenue to news and media corporations that are already established and entrenched since they already have the funds to easily handle all the paperwork that would be involved. Additionally, Postmedia accounts for at least 33% of the market by revenue. This is owned by a primarily American corporation. Subsidizing Postmedia would effectively be giving Canadian money to foreign corporations.

    What I think needs to happen on a policy-level is that foreign ownership of news media needs to be curtailed and protections must be put in place to prevent larger companies from buying local newspapers. The current players in the news industry need to be broken up. But this isn’t something I can change, nor is it even likely, so there’s no sense talking about it. I’d much rather focus on something I can do myself to incentivize people to buy a publication.

  • Here’s my case for keeping housing prices high: the rich are largely insulated from fluctuations of the market. If housing prices drop then what’s left of the middle class will be destroyed. Then the rich will come in to pick its corpse. Property will be concentrated even more in the hands of the rich and given 20 years we’ll be in a worse position than before. I think what we need is to slowly increase housing supply while financially weakening the owner class. Eventually, housing prices will come down but the rich won’t be able to buy all of it. But shocking the system in the short term will prevent any average Canadian from owning property ever again. We’ll have to weather the storm for a while but things will get better. But I’m not a rocket economist, so feel free to refute this.