i ramble about video games. i like sharing & weird stuff. @ me with weird games.

  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 11th, 2022


  • Heya, I dig the walls of text sometimes! I also tend to bounce around a variety of games, so I like the idea of short notes about each. Until recently I was writing similar notes digitally as separate notepad files and littering them throughout my computer, but I’ve been trying to make a habit of using stuff like Zim or Joplin to keep them better organized. 😅

    Also right there with you on covering weird jank and “subpar” games, so thanks for writing about them!

  • Hey yeah, appreciate the detail in how you go about it! I’m kinda surprised by the responses saying they don’t tend to write anything until further in and/or completion, but it’s reassuring in a way, as that’s been my approach too for some time.

    I also dig that you try to engage with the “soul idea” as you call it of games. It resembles what I’ve read elsewhere of a reviewer trying to evaluate in part on whether a game achieved what it set out to do or not, which I thought was interesting.

  • Your initial claim remains false.

    As indicated, digital game storefronts offered refunds explicitly prior to Steam, and it wasn’t leading the way, especially given its policy was that all purchases were not refundable, up till 2015’s changes.

    Leading the way isn’t making some exceptions to their policies occasionally, it’s making refunds a part of the policies from the outset when others aren’t.

  • How does some of the Warframe community reconcile that kind of narrative with its whole business model?

    I’m aware it’s generally considered among the “better ones”, but it still is what it is, a freemium game that by necessity has to push its business model on you since it doesn’t have an upfront cost.

    I guess maybe it inadvertently adds to the atmosphere of being under the heel of capitalists?

  • Not to mention, sometimes they actively take away from the art direction. You can have a game that’s clearly going for semi-realism and yet keeps damage numbers flying off like it’s a comic strip, which doesn’t fit whatsoever.

    The strangest, funniest mixture are the games built off comic licenses that employ a semi-realistic style with damage numbers, when a better combination would be stylized so it would all fit better artistically.

  • Servers may be some of the issue, but the problem then is that a number of games, at least outside of MMOs, don’t seem to give much of a choice on that. Presumably they’re trying to connect to servers that should give a good experience, but… 🤷‍♀️

    Regardless, the intent here isn’t so much to troubleshoot networking issues, as it is to find games that may handle less reliable/rougher network situations decently, as much as is really possible anyway.

  • No worries on the wall of text! Also fwiw I’m familiar with RTS games, which is why I mentioned not being in the mindset for them currently. They’re a lot to take in, even on a good day! 😅

    Nevertheless, when I’m of the right mind for’em, I really enjoy’em. Building up outposts, assembling a bunch of units, and fending off enemies, it can be a bunch of fun!

    Lately I’ve been more interested in peaceful builders/strategy games though. Still, BAR and the like remain really impressive!

  • @LeylaaLovee When you play a long game (i.e. 60+ hours) all the way through, it’s hard to tell how much of it was genuine enjoyment over some kind of weird sunk cost situation.

    Kind of like watching a show that goes on for a ton of seasons. You get into a habit and despite inconsistent quality, you keep going back and you’re not sure why, especially after the really bad parts.

    It’s why I understand *some* of the 100+ hour playtime negative reviews, & am skeptical of positive ones.