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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • Tell me, how culpable were thr old SPD members that fled Germany immediately prior to the Enabling Act? The politicians who skipped town rather than vote to stop Hitler. I mean, they didn’t explicitly vote for Hitler to become dictator. But they had the ability to prevent lr delay it and didn’t.

    At some point the rational and adult thing is to recognize that inaction is a defacto vote for the worst scenario you can imagine because you didn’t attempt to stop it. If you see a car hit a little girl, and then flee, are you in the free and clear ethically and morally for just driving right by only to hear she later died because no one else tried to help?

  • Biden is a genocidal dictator?

    And people insist that the far left isn’t blue Maga and then I witness crazy similarities like this be normal here.

    Like it or not, a vote against Biden (or no vote at all) is tacitly supporting the Republican takeover and implenetation of project 2025, regression and perseuction of LGBTQ and immigrants in our societies, and wild escalation in the middle east as Trump and Republicans have promised to do vis a vis Gaza.

    Folks, yall gotta deradicalize a bit. Put another way, what does it say about you that you’d rather allow a person like Trump, who wants to implement a final solution type deal, than a person like Biden who isn’t so crazy and even walking back? You don’t have to love these people. But if you could do so right now, and HAD to do so, would you vote to a hurt 1,000 gazans or millions of them? That’s the choice you MUST make in November. Even sitting it out is a choice.

  • I hear what you’re saying, but that is exactly why Discord is shit for official communities like in the meme. There’s no reason why an open source project should rely on Discord for troubleshooting and feature requests and enthusiasm. Discord was meant for things like video games and friend chats, not instances where data discovery is paramount to growing the community.

    There is a reason thar Discord communities trend toward toxic, and it is the insular weirdness that the platform enables and reinforces. Forums make much more sense for projects. Discord ends up with a bunch of no lifers ruining the communities. Been through it far too often with things like genre appreciation groups to open source projects. Reminds me of being a kid and encountering the, frankly, losers chasing people out of IRC.

  • It never will be. Thats the problem with the system: it inherently results in two poles.

    We’d have real meaningful change if all the holier than thou third party voters would become hyper engaged within the party nearest to their alignment. Take it over. Got a taste of it with some progressives but most of them turned out to be performance artists all the same.

  • For me, it is the mindless reptition or task accomplishment. Showers work well because I don’t have to think about what I’m doing, which frees my mind up for something else. There’s no rush, there’s plenty of soothing ambiance, and it just works. I find doing chores around the house can trigger the same type of state. Putting dishes away lets my mind wander and problem solve. So does putting away laundry, dusting, sweeping, stuff like that. I usually need to wear earbuds and play an ambient noise to help me along.

    But showers are still the best. You hit the nail on the head in your description about why it works. I think the key is anything relaxing, but not too relaxing such that you get drowsy.

  • Citations Needed had a mini series where they discussed why this happened. The US government will give material support to movie and game studios in exchange for some creative control over the content. That’s why so many movies with military equipment in it are rabidly pro-war; the studios don’t get access to the real equipment without the government’s support, and they don’t sign off on extremely critical scripts.

    COD and similar games don’t just pop out of a void and still strive for some semblance of realism. That is a huge selling point after all. So the government gets involved, even if in little ways. Same way China gets to censor movies, either by omission or fundamentally changing things, around the world.

  • Well put. He’s been too busy sniffing his own farts. He’s out of touch with reality, as most ultra rich people are.

    Little wonder what he is trying to turn Twitter into with X. He’s tried it several times with several other companies, all of which either failed or ejected him.

    He’s even tried it with the “X” name more than once.

    He is impulsively trying to manifest this idea of something into existence despite the fact that it repeatedly fails. Because the idea just isn’t good.

    He wants to make the western equivalent of WeChat, when a good amount of the functionality is already hadled by Whatsapp in Europe and non-Sino Asia, and Americans are pretty resistant to the idea domestically. He failed the moment he politicized it. Hell, he failed before he even bought it because Twitter has always been a narcissistic den of toxicity–Tumblr, all grown up. There’s a reason that Jack created a Twitter clone under a different company with different everything while CEO of Twitter. It was a sinking ship, and Elon was in the wrong place at the wrong time because he thinks he really is something special.

  • It is most definitely his money. He is using his real source of wealth, Tesla stock, as collateral to secure the loans. $44 billion worth of Tesla stock. And when you sell off a huge amount, as would happen in the case of the collateral being seized, it would tank the rest of his wealth which is mostly in non-collateralized (as far as we know, in relation to Twitter) Tesla stock. Investors knowing that $44 billion of Tesla stock will be liquidated–even if slowly–by creditors would make prices tank.

    Elon’s rich. Like all rich people, he is inherently immoral and opportunistic, holding no allegiance to his species nor country of residence (“world citizens” are a blight yet most countries still let them buy citizenship–that’s true class solidarity while they get us fighting over stupid shit like transgender Chess Grandmasters). I have a feel that you are correct in that he’s been earning money from the Saudis and Murdochs and many others. But the main source of his wealth is still in the market. A source which he pumped up with market manipulation because the SEC is a captured entity run exclusively for the benefit of the parasites at the top.

    But it feels like arguing around the edges a bit. Elon is just not good at this. He has failed upward his entire life which is why he had to buy his way into basically every successful enterprise he is credited for. Rich people, especially nepo babies like Elon, don’t succeed because they are better. They succeed because the upper class ensures that their class succeeds, because the alternative is the working class becoming their peers. And they can’t have that.