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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Sorry you feel that way. Some advice from a notorious loner with serious depressive episodes:

    • In case you're not: Do some exercise, regularly. It does not only help immensely with mental wellbeing but will also make you more attractive to other people

    • People like jokes but what they like even more is someone who shows interest in their lives. Try to find out what they like and talk to them about it

    • You're not worthless just because you're lonely. Try to find some hobbies or personal projects that are fun to do alone or may even boost your career. Many people don't have the luxury to do whatever they want after work. Having a life of your own may even attract other people. Being independent is sexy

    • Don't be afraid to make a doctors appointment and ask for help. There are MANY people with the same problem and that's your chance to connect with them. Getting the right medication could also be a game changer

  • You guys just keep throwing everything in the same pot. I don’t like Amazon and don’t even have an account.

    To raise the price (by 3 measly bucks) for a service that doesn’t make money is something a listed company IS REQUIRED to do. That’s all I am saying.

    It has nothing to do with how much money the company makes in other areas and is a completely separate issue from the horrible working conditions, which is a political one.

    But i guess it’s easier to just cry about everything while still throwing money at them and then jerking each other off because you commented “aMaZon SuCks”. Talk about the right side of the fence

  • In addition to what the other commenters have said: They don’t just sell light bulbs but also motion sensors that can even measure temperature.

    So they wouldn’t just be able to tell which room you’re in at any given time but may also be able to tell when and for how long you shower or how often you cook food in the kitchen based on slight temperature changes.

    And if you wanna get really paranoid: Hue Sync analyzes what’s on your screen and synchronizes lights accordingly. Who knows what is really going on there if they pull this kinda shit lol

  • They charge for Prime (Delivery) and until now, Prime Video was included in that price. I hate Amazon as much as the next guy (don’t even haven an account) but all i read from you guys is exactly this kind of unconstructive rambling.

    What the fuck do you expect? That a listed mega corporation just goes like “Oh you know what we make billions, what does it even matter if one of our services doesn’t make any money, let’s just keep going, not like we have shareholders to answer to”.

    Remember when people used to pay 5 bucks to rent a VHS for ONE DAY and no one lost their mind about it? Without constantly whining about Blockbusters profit margin?

    But thanks for clearing up that Amazon is a billionaire owned company, only read that for the 500th time this week.

  • Stimme in beiden Punkten absolut zu. Ich habe mit 13 angefangen zu kiffen (bis ich 19 war sehr viel) und bin überzeugt, dass ich heute kognitiv viel besser dastünde, wenn das nicht so gewesen wäre.

    Story zum Thema Polizei: Erst letztes Jahr (war zu dem Zeitpunkt 30) wurde ich ohne Fahrauffälligkeiten spät abends angehalten. Mister Arschloch-Polizist hat mich bei -3 Grad im T-Shirt seine Auf-einer-geraden-Linie laufen Tests machen lassen, die ich nicht bestanden habe, weil ich vor Angst und Kälte kaum einen Fuß vor den anderen bekommen habe.

    Daraufhin wurde ich aufgefordert in einen Becher zu pinkeln, während er mir mit seiner Taschenlampe auf den Penis leuchtet. Als ich mir das nicht gefallen ließ, nahmen sie mich mit zur Wache, mein Auto musste ich an Ort und stelle stehen lassen.

    Auf der Wache wurde ich dann in eine Zelle gesteckt, bis drei Stunden später der Arzt anrückte, um mir Blut abzunehmen. Bis ich da endlich wieder draußen war, war es halb sechs Uhr morgens. Dann hat man mich vor die Tür gesetzt, immer noch Minusgrade, immer noch im T-Shirt und ich konnte eine halbe Stunde auf den Bus warten, der zu mir fuhr.

    Ende vom Lied: weil ich am Tag davor einen Joint geraucht habe und noch einen einstelligen NANOGRAMM Wert THC im Blut hatte, konnte ich 800€ latzen mit einem Monat Fahrverbot.