• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I would consider trying DBT if both CBT and EMDR didn’t work out for you. I know what you mean about how silly and invalidating it feels to have a therapist just telling you to think differently. DBT is a lot less thought-oriented, and more feeling/behavior-based. I just started listening to a podcast called “The Skillful Podcast” where they take you through the techniques, if you want to try it out. If that doesn’t work though, you’re welcome to share a bit more about what you’re looking for and I feel like folks here could try to help you find something that fits better.

  • I like the concept of this as well, and also agree that the sayings on there need to go. They’re so cheesy, it makes me nauseous. Lol. How about some good old feeling words? Or maybe you can write down your usual moods and needs. For me, I know I have moods while working from home where I can be so stressed out and frazzled, I just want silence and seem snappy - but inside, I feel like the world is falling apart. For needs, I’d probably put something like: invitation to go for a walk or share a snack or a hug. :)