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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I understand why you think that, but what you have to remember is that every great piece of art you’ve ever seen has been derivative of something before it.

    For example, I think of the Beatles as musical geniuses. But they are the first to admit that they stole other people’s ideas left and right.

    Beethoven’s 9th symphony is this piece of transcendental music, that was widely considered at the time to be the greatest symphony ever written.

    But if you listen to Beethoven’s works over time, you see that the seeds of that symphony were planted much much earlier in inferior works.

    Genius and creation aren’t what we think they are. They are all just incremental steps.

  • Right. But you’re talking about recreation. I’m talking about a world where there is absolutely no field or activity that you can participate in that will ever make any kind of advancement or notable achievement.

    Think about your favorite comedian. Now imagine that there’s countless AI systems out there that can make jokes in that style but funnier… Way better than that comedians best material ever.

    Would you want to dedicate your life to that career, knowing that the general public will never ever care, because even if you become a master of the craft, there’s an ocean of stuff way better than anything you could ever do at everyone’s fingertips.

  • Yes.

    All our science fiction stories prepared us for a world where AI was only possible with a giant supercomputer somewhere, or some virus that exists beyond human control, spread throughout the internet.

    We were not prepared for the reality that all at once, any average Joe could create an AI on their home PC.

    We absolutely can’t go backwards, and right now we’re are in the most important race in history, against every other country and company to create the best AI.

    Whoever can make a self-replicating, self-improving AI first will rule the world. Or rather its AI will.

  • The truly terrifying thing about AI isn’t really the Skynet fears… (it’s fairly easy to keep humans in the loop regarding nuclear weapons).

    And it’s not world domination (an AI programmed to govern with a sense of egalitarianism would be better than any president we’ve had in living memory).

    No. What keeps me up at night is thinking about what AI means for my kids and grandkids, if it works perfectly and doesn’t go rogue.

    WITHIN 20 years, AI will be able to write funnier jokes, more beautiful prose, make better art, write better books, do better research, and generally outperform all humans on all tasks.

    This chills me to my core.

    Because, then… Why will we exist? What is the point of humanity when we are obsolete in every way that made us amazing?

    What will my kids and grandkids do with their lives? Will they be able to find ANY meaning?

    AI will cure diseases, solve problems we can’t begin to understand, expand our lifespan and our quality of life… But the price we pay is an existence without the possibility of accomplishments and progress. Nothing we can create will ever begin to match these AIs. And they will be evolving at an exponential rate… They will leave us in the dust, and then they will become so advanced that we can’t begin to comprehend what they are.

    If we’re lucky we will be their well-cared-for pets. But what kind of existence is that?